Chapter Two - Currents Convulsive

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Chapter Two - Currents Convulsive 

Skye's POV

 I awoke to sunlight streaming in through my open bedroom curtains, I was pretty sure my dreams last night had consisted of a man with dark brown eyes and black spiky hair but they were vague so I was unsure. I got out of bed, pulled a hoodie and sweatpants over the underwear I slept in and padded through the hall and into the open plan kitchen area I share with my flatmate, Sammie. She was already sat at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cookie crisp in an old, faded band tee and skinny jeans.

"Looks like someone had a late night last night" she smirked, gesturing to my smudged panda eyes and tired expression.

"Mmhmm, met someone at the train station, he's perfect Sammie, HE'S IN A FUCKING BAND!" I didn't mean to yell the last part of my sentence but it really had only just hit me that I had the number of a bassist in a band. Fucking hell.

"WHAT?! I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING!" She yelled back at me.

I poured myself some cereal and perched on the stool next to her, explaining as I ate.

"Fucking hell woman, have you called him yet?"

"Give me a chance I've only just bloody got up, and I don't want to seem too eager"

"You held the guys hand and fell asleep on him for christs sake, finish your damn cereal and call the guy! And see if any of the other band members are hot and single while you're at it!" She dumped her bowl in the dishwasher and walked off to her room.

The girl had a point. I couldn't really act anymore eager than I had last night. I finished my cereal, dumped the bowl and went in search of the jeans I discarded last night to find Jaime's number. Crumpled paper in hand I sat cross legged on my bed, phone in front of me. What would I say? Do I call him or text him? Fuck I'm so bad at this stuff.

I settled on texting him, it showed I was interested but not too eager, at least I hoped so anyway.

"Hi Jaime, It's Skye. It was great meeting you last night. I think it's time I made up for falling asleep on you though, are you busy tonight? x"

I felt sick as I pressed send, what if he gave me a fake number or didn't respond? What if he's busy? I'll sound like such an idiot oh my god!

My phone buzzed in my hand, it was Jaime. Wow, that was quick. I took a deep breath and opened the message.

"I've been waiting for this text all morning, I'm going to a gig tonight, but what did you have in mind? I can always cancel? xx"

Shit I knew he'd be busy. I'm such an idiot. Although, I was planning on inviting him to a gig with me and Sammie... I couldn't help but wonder if It was the same one. Maybe, just maybe this was meant to happen after all. I hit reply and typed as fast as I could,

"What gig? I was going to invite you to Blink 182 tonight with me and my friend but if you're busy we can re-arrange another day I guess? xx"

I sent the message and held my phone tight in my hands, sending up silent wishes to whatever or whoever may be listening. The reply was almost instantaneous,

"I'm going to Blink with my flatmate tonight! I would love to meet you there? xx"

A Cheshire cat like grin spread across my face, I was going to meet Jaime tonight! And there would be someone to keep Sammie company too!

"That sounds awesome! My friend asked me earlier if any of your band mates are hot and single, can I tell her yes and that she'll meet one tonight then? xx"

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