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Lightning strikes a nearby oak and it splits down the center spraying thousands of pieces of wood across the yard. Rain pounds against the shingles and pours through the gutters. This storm is not like any storm Betsy has ever seen in her 50 years of life. It seems too violent to be natural and she is cautious throughout the night. More lightning strikes nearby and her dog wines in fear. Soon he barks outside at the split tree. Betsy looks out through the window and sees only trees out in her yard. Lightning flashes to reveal a creature resembling a coyote in size, but is disproportional. Betsy shakes in fright as the creature creeps toward her sliding glass door. It's blood coated teeth shimmer when the lightning strikes the house. It's claw scratches against the glass and it shatters. Betsy screams as the creature leaps at her and her head rolls into the other room. Fire spreads through the house from the strike and the creature flees into the night as the house burns to the ground. No evidence is left behind but a footprint in the mud from the abomination. The creature runs through the forest ripping through bushes and shrubs to meet the yard of a million dollar mansion. It growls and runs back through the forest.

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