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     "There's a generator in the basement that you have to turn on manually. If we turn that on we can activate the intruder defenses," John explained.
     "No way, we can't get passed that thing without it noticing us and I really don't feel like having my body ripped in half!" Jake said frantically.
     "What if we distract it. We can ask Madison to throw something down the hall and we can go down the stairs to the basement."
     "Alright, I trust you."
      Jake looked at John with fear and hope as they called Madison on the walker talkie and told her to distract it.
     "Madison please. We need you to do this is we have any chance at getting rid of this thing," John pleaded.
     "John, that thing has the largest ears I have seen on an animal, it can hear the latch on the door. I can't."
     "Fine, but you have to hurry down the steps."
     Madison stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. She grabbed and empty soda can from the nightstand. Her hand shook as she touched the door handle and opened the door. The hallway was black with only lightning flashes illuminating it. She heard the claws scratching on the floor as the creature creeped through the main floor. Madison lowered the can and threw it down the hall. The sound thundered through the house. John and Jake ran out the room and slide down the stairs. The monster ran towards the can with such force he slammed into the wall and cracked the drywall. Madison went back to her room, shut the door and locked it. The other two were on the first floor about to head to the basement. As they reached the stairs to the basement, Jake caught a glimpse of the creature and his breath was taken away as John pulled him down the stairs.
      The basement was pitch black and John turned on his phone and used the screen as a light. They could hear claws scratching the floors as the beast destroyed the hallway upstairs. They reached the room with the breaker and generator and shut the door behind them. The generator was huge and had two switches to turn it on, requiring two people. The problem was that when it started it was incredibly loud and they was quiet and John forgot about that only to remember it right after they pulled the switches and started the generator. They shook as the generator boomed and filled the house with noise, but they didn't hear any noise from the creature upstairs. They creaked the door open to see darkness and two red eyes peering at them. Jake shut the door and they slid underneath a table next to the generator. They watching in terror as the door handle moved down and sprung back up. The door slammed open and the hideous monster walked in. Jake has a plan though, he ran from under the table toward the other door and the monster followed. John couldn't believe his eyes. He has to stop it from reaching Jake. He screamed. The monster kept moving towards Jake. Jake stopped in his tracks and slid under the monster's stomach. It's spiny tail whipped against the breaker, smashing it to pieces. Their hopes of power were gone as Jake ran towards John and they fled the room. They sprinted up the stairs as they heard the monster's breathing get closer and closer. All of the sudden John heard the deadbolt release from the main door. His aunt was home and had no idea what was inside. The creature stopped and waited. Jake and John ran to Madison's room only to stop and watch as the door opened and John's aunt stepped in. The monster leaded with all Force at her and she screamed as the monster grabbed both halves of her body and ripped her in half. It began to feast on her and they three friends had their mouths hanging wide open. They went into Madison's room and looked at each other. Tears began to fall from each other's eyes and they cried silently as they huddled together. They realized they couldn't get it out of the house, they had to get themselves out of the house.

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