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Camila sighed.
"Shawn, what are you doing here?"
Shawn smiled.
"What? Can't I hang out with my señorita? How about we have lunch together, on me?"
"Oh, come on it's not a date! Just two...what would you say? Amigos?"
Camila laughed. Shawn smiled at the way her eyes lit up when she laughed.
"Shawn, why do you want us to get in trouble?"
"Vamos, Camila, por vavor!"

Camila internally gasped. That's the first time he ever called her by her first name.
She blushed.
"Bueno" she said, rolling her eyes and smiling at the same time.
"Carla, cover for me okay?"
"Jeez! Chill, Chica"

Camila and Shawn walked up to one of the tables. There were two couches facing each other across from it.
"After you, hermosa" (beautiful) Shawn said, pointing towards one of the couches.
"Gracias, Señor"
They sat across from each other and smiled.

"What's your last name?" Shawn started.
"Well, my real name is Karla Estrabao, but my middle name is Camila Cabello, which is what everyone calls me. No one calls me Karla."
"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao?"
"Si, ese soy yo" (Yes, that's me)
Shawn laughed.
"Do you like being called Karla?"
"No, I like Camila more to be honest"
"I'm calling you Karla from now on"
"I'm calling you dipshit from now on"
"Feisty aren't we?"
"Tonto" (dipshit)
"Is that spanish for sexy?"
"You wish"
And from that moment, both of them knew that this wasn't gonna be a normal friendship.
But they didn't know what it was. Was it romance? Was it a connection? Lust?

They continued talking for what seemed like hours. They were getting to know each other better, opening up. Of course, friendship can't be accomplished in a day, but this is the blossom of a new one.
Days went by. They were texting and eating together everyday. It was the highlight of both of their lives.
Both of them were letting themselves fall. They didn't care that the circumstances didn't allow them to be with each other.
Shawn knew Camila was dating, but that didn't stop him from trying to make her his. He found something within her. He found the one thing that made him want to get up in the morning, to sing.
Camila knew that Shawn Mendes was a celebrity, and that she was just a waitress with trust issues.
"Maybe I don't trust anyone because of dad leaving."
She always thought. Her dad abandoned her and her mom when she was just 5 years old, and that affected her mentality a lot. She didn't let anyone in. She wasn't gonna get too attached to anyone and have them leave, like what happened with her father.

But Shawn's different.

She kept thinking. Everytime she hung out with him, these thoughts would slip into her mind.

But she pushes them away.

Which is why she keeps up the boyfriend lie.

Shawn and Camila sat down at their usual table in the diner and had their lunches one day.
They talked and laughed like normal. Their connection was unreal. They always avoided talking about Camila's "boyfriend" because it seemed to bring tension into the air.
Suddenly, Camila received an urgent call.
"I'll be right back" She told Shawn and left the table.
Carla saw Shawn sitting alone so she approached him.
"Hey Shawn, didn't know you were here today. Where's Camila?"
"She's on the phone. Must be her boyfriend"
"Boyfriend? HAHA. Camila doesn't have a boyfriend. She's actually never had a boyfriend in her life"
Shawn was speecheless.
"I- I'm sorry, what?"

AHH ;))
hope you liked this!!
adios putas <3

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