(2) Cody Ko The Part Time Dad

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C/N = Chosen Name

"What the fuck man," Noel pushed the disassembled lego pieces off his lap. "There is no way a person with a functioning brain wrote these directions. No way."

"Did you have the right pieces?" You asked, currently making the engine. Cody had started the recording almost an hour ago, yet there still wasn't much progress with half of the lego's either left in the box or scattered across the floor.

"Of course I have the right pieces, it just wont fit in the whole." Noel squinted at the directions again, oblivious to what he had said until Cody started grinning.

"Thats what she said."He chuckled a bit, entertained by his own joke, while you rolled your eyes smiling and realizing how dirty the sentence had sounded.

"At least I helped make the wheels." Noel reached into the box to throw a handful of legos at Cody, mostly missing and hitting you instead.

A challenging smile made its way to your face as you threw the lego's back at him. "That was the easiest part."

He started taking more legos out the box and throwing them at you while you threw them back until they were surrounding you both.

Cody shook his head looking into the camera.
"And this is what I mean when I said I'm basically babysitting two grown ass kids."

"You already look like a dad, so we're just giving you some experience." Noel teased, chucking a few more of the legos at Cody a second time, not missing.

After you finished making the engine, you helped Noel gather the legos up into a pile so it was easier to find the pieces needed. So far, just a little over half of the car was already built.

"Okay, its been awhile since we had a new question," Cody said scrolling through his replies on twitter. Everyone had gotten distracted after the last question talking about a completely unrelated subject so he had neglected his phone up until now. "What is the sexiest and least sexy name?"

Cody looked at you first expecting your answer while you took a moment to think. The first name that came to mind made your face heat up in embarrassment, while you struggled trying not to show your discomfort. It was obvious you were having a hard time, so Noel had decided to answer first, saving you fron awkwardly stumbling over your own words.

"I'm just gonna go 'head an say it. I'm goin gay for myself, my name sexy as shit. And as for the least sexiest name," He said crossing his arms firmly and looking at the camera."Jake Paul you know your goofy ass single handedly ruined the name Jake or Paul forever, and thats not cool bro." Cody instantly threw his head back laughing, and you started laughing hard too. Everything Noel said was hilarious and you wished you had met him sooner.

After you finally caught your breath, you answered too, choosing to say "C/N" as the sexiest name and "C/N" as the least. Soon the guys were joking with you saying how the first name was reserved for all guys over six feet tall because of how overly masculine it sounded.

Cody went next choosing Dre Drexler for both, arguing that any guy that was willing to make himself wake up to an alarm saying "Rise and Grind" deserves some type of benefit. And of course the fact his name sounded like every generic super villain in a Marvel comic.

You guys continued answering more questions while putting together the Lego Ferrari, and even Noel eventually figured out how to construct the hood. When the car was finally finished, you were satisfied with the three hours worth of work.

"Okay guys, uh," Cody raised an eyebrow holding the finished product to the camera and turning it in his hands. "We finally finished, after three hours, and.. made this. I don't know what we're gonna do with it but at least we're done."

You thought for a second and quickly searched the floor for the generic yellow lego man that came with the car set.

"Well all cars have to have a driver."Grabbing a marker, you scribbled the words "TMG" on its small torso.

"Now you have a life size Noel Miller to drive the car around." The real Noel rolled his eyes trying to conceal his smile.

"Y/N even though you call me short you're still shorter then me so your opinion obviously don't matter." He pointed out. Then the camera died.

"Okay that was definitely a signal from some higher force for us to go the fuck to sleep."


Three days later Cody had uploaded the video and tweeted it out, mentioning you and Noel in the tweet, along with the youtube link. A lot of people knew Cody had an editor to help with recordings or the podcast but it was rare they ever saw you in a video with him. And never with Noel.

You scrolled through the replies, most of them just people excited for an early video because he usually only uploaded once every other week. But one reply caught your attention.

"@codyko im two minutes in and @y/n  has already made you and @thenoelmiller almost cry from laughing"

You liked the tweet, and other supportive ones similar to it.

You didn't really remember the begining of the video, as you were primarily focused on getting comfortable with being on camera, especially when you knew it was going to be uploaded onto Cody's channel. Usually the youtube comments on your own channel weren't that negative and when they were it was pretty tame or constructive. Yet the very few videos you were in on Cody's channel, had insulting messages that were unprovoked and written in spite.

Even though there were by far more positive comments then negative, reading through twenty or less comments degrading you and assuming you were some sort of clout chaser made it feel like the whole fanbase was against you. It was understandable though because Cody did have a bigger audience and they were subscribed to watch him or Noel, not you.

You were about to go back to scrolling through other tweets when you got a notification for another reply directed at you. From Noel.

"@codyko @y/n i never thought id say recording a video was the funnest thing i did this week but it was"

As you read it over again and again, your body started coursing with giddiness. You didn't know why you were so excited it was a short tweet. Maybe its because it was so unexpected or because of all the attention you were getting so suddenly, but just thinking about filming on Tuesday made you eager to charge your camera or plan your outfit. You knew you wouldn't even be in the video, just recording it, but for some reason you still wanted to look better then usual.

I felt like there was too much dialogue, so tell me your thoughts and I'll hopefully be updating weekly every Wednesday starting today. If you have any chapter ideas feel free to comment.
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