(5) BaldBoyNoel >>>

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Cody had been setting up the camera, getting ready to film the third video of the day while you were laying across the couch with your back snuggled against a comforting blue accent pillow, editing the second. A relaxing, yet uplifting beat played through your headphones as you cut clips together.

It had been three weeks since the "Kombucha Lair" video was uploaded, a week since Noel and Julia had their first date, and five days of him talking about nothing but her. It felt like he had never-ending stories even though they had only met three weeks ago.

"Julia has given me so many more ideas for videos; I don't even know where to start."

"Well with the tour coming up it's good to have videos ready to post so we don't get behind." Cody replied. Although you were editing Cody's video and listening to music, it was frustrating to know Noel was still rambling about her. Even with all the distractions, you couldn't help but clench your jaw. It's like they were already married. Something about the way he said her name accompanied with a dreamy, small smile had you fighting the urge to roll your eyes.

You were still thinking of the way her valley-girlesque voice made your skin itch with annoyance when a tap on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts. You slid your headphones off in time to catch Noel's sentence.

"I've been here for-" He flicked his wrist to glance at his watch, dramatically. "-forty-five minutes, and I haven't even gotten a glance from you. Man, I didn't even get a hi."

You looked up at him and responded dryly, "Hi, Noel."

You went back to examining the video when your feet were moved off the sofa cushion until you were sitting upright. Ignoring your retreat from conversation, Noel took the seat next to you, that your legs previously occupied.

"Y/N, you don't gotta act shy around me, meeting your favorite youtuber can be scary." He said with a smirk. Cody looked over at you two from his desk holding in a laugh, as you tried to hide a smile by pressing your lips into a thin line. "See, I knew that would get you laughing."

"You're delusional ." You rolled your eyes, a small grin still evident on your face.

"Sure, you're saying that now but just wait 'till I'm a millionaire." You both continued back and forth until Cody had started his recording, quieting you both. After realizing he couldn't tease you anymore, Noel pulled your legs in the position they were in prior; laid across the couch but this time resting on his lap. You guys fell into a comfortable silence aside from Cody's voice.


After filming, the sun had well sunk into the horizon, but the guys still had more work to do; on top of getting ahead of the upload schedule in time for touring, the guys were also expected to film the video for one of their songs Club Poor. They were partly at fault for the chaotic timing, having put the task off for months up until now. Cody and Noel had suggested you accompany them to help film another video. Yet, in the moment, they had failed to specify it was a music video and the fact that Noel wanted to appoint you as co-director. Indian food was spread out across the coffee table of Cody's living room as the television was on a low volume for mere background noise as all of you worked out the details for the music video.

"I mean, I know I'm already directing, too, but having somebody work alongside me wouldn't hurt." He commented, averting his gaze to his food. "Besides, your work is really good so I know you'll do a great job and I won't have to rely on some outside hire." He threw a wink at you, causing you to look away as your face flooded with warmth..

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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