(4) Get Yo Pussy Dumb

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The boys eventually got the video concept together and even though you already knew most of the jokes they planned on using, it didn't stop you from constantly trying to hold back laughter at their antics.

The filming had ended earlier than planned but after five hours most shots were filmed and anything needing to be reshot was already taken care of. You had a fun time being there and spending time with Cody and Noel, even if it was just another part of their job. Their comedy was as natural on camera as it was in real life.

As you were packing up the equipment and exchanging goodbyes with everyone Noel came over.

"So me and Cody were thinking about grabbin' some food before we head back home and I just wanted to know if you were down with comin' along." He asked running his hands through his hair.

You felt a pull at the corners of your mouth as you suppressed the urge to smile. You were about to respond when the blonde girl from earlier approached him.

"Hey, your Noel right?" She smiled at him shyly as he nodded "I was just wondering if you had any free time to talk?"

She led him back towards the gate entrance while you watched as they chatted back and forth until she was pulling out her phone and handing it to Noel. As he typed his number into her phone she glanced over at you briefly, before turning her attention back to Noel.

You were about to continue watching by the sidewalk when Cody cleared his throat behind you.

"You wanna go ahead and get in the car? It feels like they'll be talking forever." He asked, a bit of impatience laced in his voice.

You glanced back at the two, the girl rubbing her hand over Noel's arm. You turned away following Cody to the car silently.


As soon as Noel had jumped into the car he had a persistent smile on his face. Cody started to ask him what took him so long but before he even finished his sentence Noel was already talking about the girl, who you would be constantly reminded was named Julia.

You picked at your fries, as you vaguely listened to Cody and Noel talking. It had been a fifteen minute drive to Chick-fil-a, and somehow Noel had managed to talk about the girl the entire time.

"Yeah, I was thinking of picking her up tomorrow but i cant tell if thats too soon or desperate. What do you guys think of her?"

Cody cranked up the car while shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, I didn't even talk to her." Noel turned to you awaiting a response but had barely received more than a glance.
Your distant attitude remained the whole drive even after Cody finally got Noel to talk about anything other then Julia.

What was so special about her anyway? He barely knew her for five minutes.

You decided to block out the invasive Julia thoughts and enjoy the last few hours you had of sun for the day, even though there wasn't much.

540 words

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