A Great Day Ruined

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*The next morning.*

*Riku pov*

I wake up and notice that Emma is gone. I get up and walk toward the kitchen and smile at what I see. Emma is showing Asher how to cook and he just decides to just let her to breakfast. He looks over and sees me. "Dad!" He runs over and I pick him up. "Morning Ash. How are you?" He nods. "Mom was showing me how to cook." I look over at Emma and she laughs and smiles. "Hey Asher. Wanna come with me and go wake up your uncle Sora and uncle Ventus?" Emma smiles. "Might as well get everyone up. I'll just invite them all for food." Asher smiles and runs out of the door. I run after him and we go to Sora's first. We open the door and see him and Ventus still sleeping. Asher starts jumping on Sora's bed. Sora wakes up and then notices that Asher is jumping on it and laughs. Asher goes and jumps on Ventus bed. Ventus wakes up and laughs. "I honestly thought it was Sora jumping on my bed for a minute." We all laugh. Asher looks at Sora. "Uncle Sora will you play with me and dad? My dad said you like to play and run around on the island." Sora looks up at me. "Did he just call me uncle Sora and you dad?" I nodded and he smiled widely and grabbed Asher and pulled him down tickling him. "Of course I would play with you!" Ventus looks at me. "You must be so happy that he calls you dad." "Yeah and he called Emma mom also. So he asked what all of you would be and I said aunts and uncles." I laughed as Sora and Asher were playing and fake battling. "Ash c'mon we gotta wake everyone else up. You can play with Sora and everyone else later!" He smiles and we go to each room waking everyone up. Asher and I get back there before anyone else but I hear Emma talking to someone. "Get the hell out of here. Now." The person responds. "C'mon you gave Xehanort a second chance. Please." I look at Asher and tell him to go to his room and don't come out unless I get him. He nods and does that. I walk out and see Emma and Vanitas. "Vanitas what are you doing here?" Emma looked at me and then Vanitas again. "Xemnas is back. He's looking for that kid that you took. I don't want to hurt the kid. I want to help you guys with protecting him. I let the kid escape. If Xemnas is anything like Xehanort was with training kids it was brutal. I couldn't have anyone else go through what I did." I looked at Emma and told her to get Ventus and Sora and bring them here. She nodded and did that. "What do you mean that the training was brutal. I thought you were just born evil? Or well came from the darkness in Ventus' heart." "He is." Ventus and Sora walk in. "Riku you have to believe me. I only want to make sure the kid is safe and away from Xemnas. I will leave but if you need me Ventus knows how to reach me." Vanitas leaves and I look at Sora and Ventus. "Ventus he didn't do anything to you did he?" Ventus nods. "No but I think he is telling the truth with wanting to keep Asher safe. I felt some of the stuff Xehanort did to him. It wasn't fun." Everyone else comes in and I go and get Asher. Asher immediately runs to me and gives me a hug. "Hi dad!" Ventus looks at me surprised. "Did he just call you dad?" I nod and everyone comes in and we all decide to eat. After we eat we decide to go out and play on the island since Asher has a lot of energy. Emma looks at me and gives me a kiss and then runs off to play with Asher. I smile at all of them playing and then sit on the sand. I notice a few people sit down next to me. I sit and notice it was Leon, Aqua, and Kairi. "So were aunts and uncles to Asher now? Does that mean he called you dad?" Aqua smiles at the end of saying that. "Yeah, I'm glad that I am able to be that type of person to him." Asher runs over and hides behind me laughing. "Uncle Sora and Uncle Ventus are trying to tickle me. Uncle Terra is trying to tickle mom. We should go help her." I look up and see Terra chasing Emma and then notice that Ventus and Sora sit down by us out of breath. "Asher is really fast at running." I laugh and Asher grabs my hand and pulls me up and we go towards Emma and Terra. "Don't worry mommy! We'll save you!" Terra grabs her and smiles. "What are you going to do Asher?!" Emma laughs and tries getting out of Terra's grip. "Asher help me. Kick uncle Terra's butt." I smile when Asher goes after Terra. Terra drops Emma and I catch her. "Well hello there princess." Emma laughs and then we see Asher "knock" Terra down. Terra pretends to be hurt and lets Asher win. "You win. You have saved the princess. Although I think there might be someone coming after you now." Leon runs up and grabs Asher tickling him. Asher starts laughing really hard. All of a sudden a portal opens and Roxas walks out looking scared. Were all about to ask why but notice someone has a keyblade pointed towards him Xemnas walks out same with Xigbar. Xemnas smiles seeing Asher. "Give me the kid! Now!" Asher hides behind Terra and is shaking. Kairi grabs Asher and holds him close. Emma stands by them too. Sora kinda looks scared too, but not with Xemnas, it looks like he is scared of Xigbar. I glare at Xemnas. "I won't give him to you. What will it take for you to leave us alone!?" Xemnas smiles and then laughs. Xigbar disappears and shows up right by Emma and Asher. Then a barrier shows up around Emma, Asher, and I. "I need a new Vessel for the darkness. I want you to choose who becomes darkness." Emma looks at me. I look down and glare at him "Why won't you leave us alone?!" Roxas pounds on the barrier. "Xemnas stop! Leave them alone." "Choose Riku." I glance at Terra and Leon. "Take care of Emma and Asher for me." I look back at Xemnas. "Take me instead." Emma looks shocked. "Riku don't do this!" I hear Sora yell. "Xemnas take me. I'll come with you and do whatever you want. But don't hurt my family." I walk over to Emma and Asher first. "Take care okay? I'll be back." Emma kisses me passionately and then I lean down and kiss Asher on the forehead. I turn to leave with Xemnas and Xigbar ignoring Asher's cries for me to come back. I step into the portal and leave scared for what is to come next.

An Unexpected Journey (Riku love story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now