Chapter 5: Dragon Days (Rewrite)

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*Here's the new version of Chapter 5. It mainly follows Goku and Aang as they interact with Kuzon from the Fire Nation. I hope you enjoy it!

"He wishes to visit the Fire Nation, hm?"

Pasang stared at Gyatso in utter perplexment. It had only been a day since the whole situation with Bumi took place and now, he was requesting permission for Aang to travel someplace else. And even worse, it was the home of his fated enemy, Fire Lord Sozin.

There were just far too many red flags being raised for him to ignore. He had a feeling Gyatso, deep down, was well aware of that too.

"Are you insane, Gyatso?! We'd be practically handing over the Avatar on a silver platter!" Tashi balked at such a possibility.

Gyatso kept himself completely calm. He sighed in response to Tashi's short, almost non-existent temper.

"It wasn't my idea, Tashi. Aang wishes to visit his friend, Kuzon, there. He, in his own words, said he hasn't seen him in quite some time."

Tashi circled around his fellow monk like a rabid wolfbat. His eyes were narrowed down to mere slits from anger.

"Well, what good will visiting do if Sozin manages to discover his identity and locks him up in chains?" He spat, throwing his arms up in the air from sheer exasperation. "And don't even get me started on Goku. Chi is not something they need in their arsenal and you... no, everyone knows it!"

Pasang remained firmly seated on his cushion. The morning sunlight was beaming in from the temple's uppermost window. It was too nice of a day to be wasted on this senseless bickering.

"I understand your concerns, Tashi. I do not, by any means, want Fire Lord Sozin to discover that Aang and Goku even exist. Placing them in the middle of his own kingdom without any supervision could spell untold disaster for everyone, not just us airbenders." He explained with a deep frown. "However..."

Tashi quirked a brow. "However what?"

"However, exploring the nations like this is necessary for Aang's growth as the Avatar. It's dangerous for certain, but as shown yesterday, Aang already has someone who could teach him earthbending in his friend, Bumi. For firebending, it could be this Kuzon boy. All that's left is him meeting someone from either of the two Water Tribes and his journey will already be set in stone."

"I suppose that's a reasonable point..." Tashi nodded his head. "But learning all four elements won't matter if Sozin is already ready to strike!"

"He's right. Learning to bend all of the elements will take too long." An elder with a black-white beard added.

"That means that Goku child will need to speed up the process. His chi could be the key to Aang mastering the Avatar State." Another elder surmised. "May I remind you that his tattoos glowed white right before he produced that ball of chi."

Gyatso shook his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Have you all lost your sense of reason? We cannot force Aang to unlock such a state. It's far too powerful and dangerous for him right now."

Pasang took a deep breath. "Regardless, Aang will still need to use the Avatar State, eventually. It is a part of who he is, much like his supposed past lives."

"Please, Pasang. All I ask is that you allow Aang a chance to visit his friend." Gyatso requested. "Besides, it could also serve as a benefit to Goku. He'll be able to garner a better understanding of what life in the Fire Nation is actually like."

"That is true. He is going by what Avatar Roku told him and not much else..." The High Elder muttered under his breath. He then furrowed his eyebrows. "Fine, Gyatso. I'll allow this trip to the Fire Nation to take place... but if anything happens that will put this temple in harm's way, there will be severe consequences."

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