Chapter 10: A Journey Begins (Rewrite)

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*Welp, here's the massive rewrite to Chapter 10. This turned out to be a really long chapter, so I hope you enjoy it. It diverges a lot from canon this time around.

Kanna, or Gran-Gran according to her two grandchildren, started to get worried once night fell over their village. Normally, Sokka and Katara would have returned by now, so she had a sinking feeling that something bad happened to them. They either could have gotten lost due to some foolish argument or lost their canoe to stray pieces of ice.

Either way, both of them should have known better than to stay gone for this long. They were, after all, her responsibility to take care of while their father and her son, Hakoda, was off fighting in the war.

She sighed and looked out toward the distant horizon.

"Those two. I told them to be careful..."

Suddenly, the old woman spotted a small object flying through the sky. It came closer and closer to reaching the village, revealing itself to be a large sky bison with Katara, Sokka, and a bald monk riding on top of it.

"Is that..." She gasped in surprise. "...a sky bison?!"

To make matters worse, there was also a boy flying next to the bison on a yellow cloud. His spiky hair and brown monkey tail seemed eerily familiar to Gran-Gran, but she couldn't explain why. She would need to get a closer look at him first.

Everyone else in her village, more commonly known as Wolf Cove, saw the strange creature and collectively ran out of their tents. They all huddled together as a protective measure in case this sky bison proved to be some sort of threat. However, with Kanna's grandchildren riding on its back, most of their concerns were somewhat put at ease.

What they didn't expect to see was the black-haired boy and his flying cloud. While most of the children thought it was cool, the adults whispered amongst themselves, trying to ascertain this kid's true identity and origins.

These whispers were swiftly silenced by Appa landing atop the snow. He straightened his posture and bent down, giving Sokka and Katara enough room to leave the saddle. Goku then hopped off Nimbus and stood next to the bison with a small, curious frown.

He could tell these villagers were pretty started by both Aang and his sudden appearance. He wondered if it had something to do with the multiple legends that were told about him.

"Told you this overgrown ball of fluff would cause a scene." Sokka grumbled over to his sister. He then stepped a little too far out from Appa's saddle and fell down. His face was firmly planted into the snow, much to the onlooking children's amusement.

"Aw, man!"

"The only one causing a scene here is you, Sokka." Katara giggled. She then hopped off of Appa and walked over to her grandmother.

"Sorry we're late, Gran-Gran. We got a little sidetracked on the way back."

Gran-Gran glanced over at Goku and Aang in curiosity. She scanned them from top to bottom, frowning.

"I can see that..."

Katara stepped back a bit to gesture towards her two new companions.

"Luckily, we managed to get a lift from these two and this sky bison, Appa." She said. "Come on, guys. Introduce yourselves."

Both of them parted from their respective mounts to stand in front of the villagers. They awkwardly waved at them.

"Uh... hi, I'm Aang."

"Yo. My name's Son Goku, but you can call me Goku for short. Pleasure to meet all of you."

The villagers, unfortunately, said nothing in return. They took a step back from fear and clutched their children protectively. Some were even frightened by the mere sight of Goku's tail.

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