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Steve's hand curled around the briefcase of stones. He knew exactly what he was going to do, but had a hard time contemplating how he was going to explain it. He looked thoughtfully at Bucky, wondering what to say. But before he could do anything else, there was a blinding flash of white light, a feeling of weightlessness, and suddenly he was standing in New York City in 2012. Aliens surrounded him, and he groaned. If he had remembered how hard the stones were to get in the first place, he never would have volunteered to put them back. Steve grabbed his hammer, feeling the lightning course through him, and smiled. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

Three days passed. All the stones were returned to their proper places, and Steve was preparing to return to 2023. He had left Mjolnir in a museum, as he decided he would probably never need to fight again. As he slid his mask over his head, he noticed an old style ballroom filled with people dancing. The sun dipped below the horizon, and the sky shifted to brilliant shades of red, purple, and dark blue. Jazz music and the smell of wine filled the air, turning the rather dingy and torn up part of New York City into a romantic paradise. His heart clenched. Peggy had died almost seven years ago, and he had never gotten the dance she once promised him. An idea sparked in his head, but he winced, thinking of what it would cause him to lose. Steve gritted his teeth and hit the small button on his wrist. He instantly shrank down microscopically, whizzing through time and space. Back further and further, until there was a loud bang, and another bright burst of light.

Steve stretched his arms above his head, tight muscles from his journey. He looked around his environment, and several different emotions overtook him. Nostalgia, romance, sadness, grief, hope. It was overwhelming. There were station wagons rolling through the streets, birds chirping in the trees, an all-around quiet and peaceful atmosphere. He knew this place, from a long time ago. Steve walked around the town, eyeing the old buildings and the stone roads. He felt like he was walking through a memory. Everything he saw was stirring deep familiarity within him.

"Excuse me, sir," Steve asked, tapping a well-dressed, but aged, businessman on the shoulder. "Do you know where I could find a post office or police station? Somewhere where I could grab an address?" The man looked at Steve warily, noting his very modern flannel, cuffed jeans, and sneakers.

"Why yes, take a right down Adams St. and walk for about half a mile, you should come to our town mail office shortly," The man stated, brushing his shoulder off slightly from where the odd man in highly informal clothing had touched him. He couldn't have been older than 25, the man thought, because of the way he was dressed, how he talked, and how youthful he looked.

"Thank you!" Steve called, running off in the general direction. The man sighed. Kids these days.

Steve tore down the road in the way the man had pointed him, only one thought in his mind. He had waited more than 70 years for this moment. He came to a skidding halt in front of an old looking post office, staring up at the crumbling brick, and his heart skipped a beat. The store was clear and freshly renewed in his memory. He had been here, but not since his youth, before he was made into the fearsome super-soldier he was today. Steve pushed through his nauseating deja vu, quietly opening the door and pacing into the storefront. A lady with silver glasses and curly blond hair looked up from her position at the counter and smiled kindly at Steve.

"Hello sir, how may I help you today?" She questioned, looking curiously at his strange outfit. Steve realized he was dressed in clothing that hadn't even been made yet, and hastily crossed his muscled arms to try and cover more of his shirt.

"I'm looking for an address..." Steve trailed off, suddenly uncertain. It had been years since he had seen her, and he didn't know what- if anything- had changed. A red flush crept into his cheeks, and he started to stutter. "M-Margaret Carter?" The lady at the desk nodded thoughtfully, flipping through her address book. Steve waited patiently, hands in his pockets, anxiously looking around the store. He felt around in his pocket for his phone, and it took him a minute to remember that the iPhone hadn't even been invented yet. Apparently long-term happiness was going to come with a price.

"Margaret Carter, you say? I have one listed here, 1800 South Pine St." The lady said, closing her book with a snap.

"This is embarrassing, but, uh, could you tell me where that is? I haven't been here in a while..." Steve laughed.

"Of course, sir," She said, writing something down on a piece of paper. "So how long has it been since you've been here?" Steve assumed she was trying to make some conversation.

"Uh... well... maybe 80 years? Somewhere around that..." Steve thought for a moment and then instantly regretted what he said. He forced out a laugh and smiled, terrified, at the woman. "Kidding. Of course. 80 years, that's ridiculous. I actually don't remember..." He trailed off, staring at his feet. The woman chuckled awkwardly and passed him the paper, smiling. He glanced at it, seeing a simple list of directions. Steve nodded gratefully and walked out the door.

Ding dong! His hands were shaking as he pressed the doorbell, waiting anxiously to see Peggy again. As he heard footsteps approaching, he started to panic. What if Peggy was confused? What if he destroyed her timeline? What if... Peggy didn't even want to see him? Then the door opened, and his breath caught in his throat, his mind suddenly clear. She was beautiful. Long, chestnut brown curly locks, bright, twinkling eyes, fiery red lipstick perfectly applied and highlighting her flawlessly arched cupids bow.

"A-Agent Carter..." Steve spluttered, trying desperately to form a cohesive thought. Peggy froze, staring at the man who had seemingly returned from the grave.

"Steve?" She whispered; eyes wide with confusion. "Steve Rogers? I don't understand..."

A/N: yeah, i know, he met up with peggy. i promise the stucky will start soon though. also i love peggy and i wanted to give her some screen time, as it were :3

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