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"Yeah... it's me."

"How is that possible? Steve is dead. He crashed a Hydra jet into the ocean. We never found the wreckage... there's no way you could be the Steve Rogers I know." Peggy slowly started to back away from the door, a look of composed terror on her face.

"Peggy. I can't explain it, but I promise it's me. I was that skinny little initiate who no one thought would make it, remember? Until Dr. Erskine pumped me full of serum and I became Captain America... I used to parade around in a stupid costume until you helped me sneak into a Hydra base-" An image of Bucky strapped to Zola's table flashed though Steve's mind, and he felt like he had been punched in the gut. "And then I was a soldier. I crashed into the ocean, but I didn't die. I froze. They finally dug me out, years and years later... and now I'm back. I came back to be with you, Peggy, even though I can't explain how." Steve hesitated, searching her face. Peggy still looked scared, but some familiarity started to appear in her gaze.


"You don't have to say anything. Please, just dance with me. I've waited 80 years for a dance with you."

Peggy smiled, and the knot in Steve's stomach started to unravel. He followed her into a small but cozy living space and paused in front of a framed picture of himself, before the serum. "Was I really that short?" He asked jokingly, turning around to face her. A sad smile crept onto her face.

"You were perfect."

Steve noticed a small record player on a side table and reached over to flick it on. Soft jazz music filled the room, and he offered a hand to Peggy. "You know, I still don't know how to dance." he said, laughing.

"I'll show you how," Peggy whispered, walking up to him and placing her hands around his waist. "But Steve... you know I can't be with you."

Never thought that you would be... standing here so close to me

There's so much I feel that I should say...

"What do you mean?" Steve questioned, looking down at her as they swayed gently to the music.

But words can wait

Until some other day...

"You're from the future, Steve. I'm from this time. We were never meant to be together. You know that. And I can tell there's something on your mind, something that's bothering you."

Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time...

"I know," Steve admitted, hanging his head slightly. "But can we push that away for right now? I just want to enjoy this moment."

Haven't felt like this, my dear, since I can't remember when...

It's been a long, long time.

Peggy looked up at Steve and smiled. He knew she was right, but he felt like he could stay like this forever. She leaned up and softly pressed her lips to his, savoring a moment which they both knew would not last.

You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you,

Or just how empty they all seemed without you...

"Steve... you were a gift. You changed my life, and I'm so grateful. But I know you're moving on. We've both waited for this dance, and of course I miss you. You're a different person than the Steve I knew, and it would be foolish and selfish to be with you."

Steve stared down at her thoughtfully, contemplating what she was saying. He paused to think of the friends he had left behind and winced. Clint, Bruce, Sam... Bucky. Bucky who was being tortured by Hydra at that very moment. Bucky, his best friend. He closed his eyes for a moment and let a memory wash over him.

We looked for you after. My folks wanted to give you a ride to the cemetery.

I know, I'm sorry. I just... kind of wanted to be alone.

How was it?

It was okay. She's next to dad.

I was gonna ask...

I know what you're gonna say, Buck, I just...

We can put the couch cushions on the floor like when we were kids. It'll be fun. All you gotta do is shine my shoes, maybe take out the trash. Come on.

Thank you, Buck. But I can get by on my own.

Thing is, you don't have to. I'm with you till the end of the line, pal.

"Steve? Are you okay?" Peggy questioned, startling him out of his reverie. She glanced up at him curiously. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Yeah. You're right. Of course you're right. I think sometimes you know me better than I know myself, Peggy."

"Not anymore, Steve." She looked at him sadly. "We have to move on from the past. Both of us."

A/N: i actually listened to it's been a long long time on repeat while i was writing this chapter. it definitely put me in the mood. also i felt like i HAD to include the dance, it wouldn't really be an endgame fixit without it, y'know?

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