Chapter 15: Diving in

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Alec has moved to the communal ward and it's getting late. Magnus hasn't visited or called for the first time since they began dating and Alec is starting to get worried.

"Love is like water. We can fall in it. We can drown in it. And we can't live without it."

"Your bed is just through here. The one on the end."

Alec nodded as was wheeled into the room. His bag was in his lap and he dropped it down on the floor before standing. Magnus had insisted that he wanted to be there when he moved, but a bed had become available and they needed the isolation room. Alec hadn't been able to get hold of him. "That's great. Thank you."

"Sometimes the TV is on, or the speakers on the wall with music. If you want them off at any time, give us a shout. We also have a time around seven that we call 'quiet time.' It's just a chance for everyone to get some rest or relax a bit. Some patients like leaving the curtains open while they're here and some like keeping them closed. It's up to you, but you tend to find on the teen cancer ward that most prefer a bit of peace and privacy."

"Okay, thanks. I think I'll keep them closed. I like my quiet."

"That's fine. Give me a shout if you want anything."

Alec sat down on the bed, as the nurse left the room. A few doctors were walking in and out. They had said he could go outside for a few hours when he felt up to it. A few of the other teens in the room actually looked sicker than he did in his opinion. Alec felt a little cold because the window opposite was open, but he didn't feel like getting up or asking anyone to close it when he had just got there. The nurses had said that his temperature would go up and down until he put weight back on again. He knew it was hot outside from the afternoon sunlight. He would probably be warm again, in a minute. He pulled his bobble hat from his head and unzipped his holdall. He lifted out the cap on the top and set it on the bed. He then dug around and found the comfy sweater that Magnus had given him. He looked around and bunched up the sweater in his hands. He sunk his face into it and smiled as he inhaled and hugged it gently. He pulled it over his head slowly, being careful of the port in his chest. His cannula had been removed earlier and they would see tomorrow if he would need it back. When he had put the sweater on, he put his bobble hat back in the bag and put the other hat on his head. He didn't turn it backwards this time, showing the M.B. initials in all their glory. Magnus would get a kick out of it later.

He pushed his bag under his bed. He didn't feel like sorting it now. Maryse would only pull all his things out and rearrange them when she came by later. Now he was back on the ward, visiting times were restricted to what they called 'before and after school' hours. Alec sat back in his bed and put his feet up on the covers. He didn't feel like taking them off for the moment. He was conserving his energy for any visitors that he saw later. His Mom had visited quickly that morning, while the doctors were doing their rounds. He had just been waking up when doctor had noted how drained he looked and had asked if he had been doing any 'strenuous activity' the day before. Straddling Magnus' lap came to mind, but he didn't think either the doctor of his mother would appreciate hearing about that.

He checked the time on his phone. It was early evening and Magnus was usually there at half two. His parents and Magnus alternated their visiting each day. One day Magnus would come at half two, and his family in the evening, and then next day they would swap. It was nearly time for Alec's family to arrive and he was getting worried that Magnus hadn't been. Did Magnus not want to visit anymore?

A few minutes later, Alec was lying on his bed and huffing to himself. Just as he considered changing into his pyjamas for the night, Magnus came around the corner. Alec hadn't gotten up to pull the curtains closed yet and turned his head as Magnus walked in. Magnus was pushing a wheelchair over and smiling. Several faces picked up to look but quickly turned back to what they were doing. There wasn't a patient or staff member on the whole floor who hadn't heard about Alec and Magnus. Magnus leaned down next to Alec and held his hand to the side of his face. He kissed Alec softly and smiled.

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