Chapter 34: Under the same Sky

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Adventures are ahead and new discoveries are made as everyone learns what is important to them.


Here we go! Hope you enjoy this one as I've loved writing it <3
Two more to go!

//NSFW warning 

Sweet scents and soft music drifted through the room as Jace flipped a pancake up into the air. Robert and Maryse sat opposite from each other, laughing from behind him. They were sipping coffee at the table and silently applauding whenever Jace struck a successful landing. Knowing everyone would have to fit around the rectangular table, they'd moved several chairs in from the living room, three on each side with one on either end and another on the top corner.

"See?! I'm getting better, aren't I!?" Jace snorted loudly as he caught another.

Maryse smiled into her coffee. Even though it was almost lunch time, she hadn't seen Jace up this early in a long time. It had been something Magnus had suggested. It was hard for Jace to get up early when he didn't want to but once he did, he would get so much more done in the day and be more happy in himself. Jace had been going to sleep earlier for the past few days and getting up to a set time. Since he had been, his mood had been much improved.

"You sure are. One day at a time."

Robert nodded in agreement as Max ran into the room. Robert smiled at his wife and put his hand over hers on the table as Jace talked to his little brother excitedly. They were the image of each other in their matching pyjamas as Jace lugged Max into his arms, making Max giggle when Jace told him he was getting too heavy and that they'd have to stop feeding him before they'd need to get a ladder; That they'd need to put a hole in the roof and poke his head out. Max sniggered as he clung to Jace's neck and hugged him tightly.

"Maryse, the ceiling is still dripping." Robert looked to the side of the table and kicked the bucket further over. The plumber had told them that it could happen until the ceiling dried out completely, due to the damage that had been done before. "We'll have to tell Alec to be careful not to spill anything."

Maryse sighed. "It shouldn't be happening to that degree though. I might have to get the plumber to have another look-"

Maryse and Robert both looked over as Clary strolled in yawning. Jace's face lit up as she wandered over in her pyjamas, kissing Jace quickly and putting a hand on Max's shoulder to talk to him.

It hadn't been Maryse and Robert's first thought to end up with a B&B for teenagers but Jace had promised that they would behave. Besides, with Simon now staying over, plus Magnus, they couldn't exactly leave Clary out, could they?

Jace set Max down carefully and watched as he ran over to sit on the end by his parents. Jace turned back to the counter as Clary put her arms around Jace's waist and hugged him. He reciprocated by putting an arm over her shoulder and kissing the top of her head. He hugged her tightly, closing his eyes and swaying gently before grabbing a plate for her and telling her quietly that he hadn't had such a good night's sleep in ages.

"Good morning, Mommy!" Max grinned widely as he sat down and Maryse's eyes went wide. "What is it?!"

"Moo! Your tooth is missing!"

"It is?!" Max ran his tongue along his teeth until he found the gap on the top right. "It's gone! Where is it?! I didn't know it was going to fall out! Look, Clary!" Clary walked over the table and sat down in the nearest seat to her (the corner one, three down from Robert.) Max laughed as he grinned with his mouth open. Jace handed Clary her plate, now with pancakes, and kissed the top of her head before walking away again. Robert chuckled softly as he carried on reading his paper.

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