Chapter 31: The Lovers, The Dreamers and Me

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Love comes in many different forms. Even if people need different things at different times, in the end, all anyone just needs is love.


I've had to include some warnings for this chapter but take them with a pinch of salt. You guys should probably know by now that I can be a bit misleading at times 😅❤ Hope you enjoy <3

I'd love to hear what you guys think of this chapter so please feel free to either drop a comment or tweet along, using the hashtag #FlutterFic. I also have to thank @Kennedy15769680 for all her help with this chapter. She's an amazing writer and friend who I could not have gotten through this chapter, emotionally or physically, without <33

TW// for chapter: Mentions of teenage pregnancy/ conversation about termination of pregnancy.

"Max, stop pouting and finish your peas."

Max scowled at his father, sarcastically shoving two forkfuls into his mouth at once. "There. Happy now?"

Robert rolled his eyes. His children had either been arguing with each other or with him and Maryse all day and it was starting to wear on his patience. "Max, stop being cheeky. The dog has been here all week and she's not just Alec's, she's also Magnus'. She'll be there for a few days and you can even come with me to pick Alec up tomorrow morning if you want to see her quickly."

"Izzy's not eating her food. And she got ice cream before tea."

"Izzy has a stomach bug. You're just grumpy because you want your room back." Robert looked across the table, pointing his knife at his daughter. "Izzy, you have to at least drink something. The doctor said food poisoning, or whatever this bug is, can take a while to get over and that drinking plenty and getting rest is the best course of action." Izzy scowled at her father as she pushed her food around her plate. Jace leaned over her to grab the ketchup bottle and recoiled in a joking manner as if she was going to hit him. He was kind of loving the fact that he had been lucky and hadn't come down with whatever Izzy had. She had been in a horrible mood over it for the past week but insisted she was actually feeling better.

"Oh, Jace, just leave me alone already!" Jace sat back down, squeezing the bottle onto the side of his plate. He leaned over her again, setting it back and hugging Isabelle in a brotherly way with his arm around her neck. "And why do you smell like toothpaste? Are you seeing Clary later? Because obsessive brushing in hopes of kissing is bad for your teeth and your-"

Izzy was interrupted as Alec walked into the room and Maryse shot up to rush over to him. Alec set his bag down quietly, trying not to grin at the fact that he was about to stay over Magnus' for the first time in a week. Izzy looked down, hitting her fork against her potatoes.

"Oh! Look at my baby boy!" Alec rolled his eyes, leaning down to hug Maryse, pulling his head away as she squished his face. Izzy knew that Alec probably wanted to get going. "Remember to pack your boxers?" Alec rolled his eyes again and nodded in annoyance as Jace turned in his chair, speaking like the military commander from one of his movies.

"Where he's going- he aint gonna need 'em."

Alec's face went red and he scowled at Jace, not meeting eyes with his mother. "Thank you, Jace!" Izzy pushed her plate back as Maryse cooed over him. She'd stayed over Clary's a few weeks back and her mom hadn't made that much fuss over her.

"Mom, Alec probably wants to get going-" Robert picked up his plate and declared that he was going to have a drink in the kitchen before they left.

Jace waved his spoon around and pointed it at Alec, making Max laugh. "Magnus might get grumpy if you keep him waiting..." Alec sighed at him, turning away and telling Max he needed to eat his vegetables or Honey would grow quicker than him. It was none of Jace's business but Magnus hadn't been in the best mood that last week. Alec couldn't really blame him though. He knew himself how horrible it was when you weren't healthy enough to go out and do whatever you wanted. He'd taken Magnus for ice cream a few days ago and they had taken little walks with Honey but they hadn't gone much further than that because he got tired quickly.

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