The Median

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"What are you brain dead? Dust, fire,water lightning, energy? Is any of this sinking in, what do you have to say for your self... You complete dolt." --- Weiss Schnee.

Thats right I'm doing Wiess first because she is best girl come @ me.

Since this is my first "chapter" im going to set up a formula.

First im going to explain what the archetype is and what they repersent. Then i will explain how my character repesents that type. Finally i will explain the shadows and who represents them. Passive and agressive.

Anyway the Median is the passionate, and fighting spirit of the woman.

Medians are often the creative, stubborn, powerful woman in cinema.

Although their stubborn they will make compromises and they will take credit for their actions. It's this personality that helps them stand out in the crowd. They don't want to be the center of attention. However, when they are, they don't let it go to their heads instead they take their positions and find ways that benefit both themselves and others.

We see this in the second volume in Weiss reasoning on why she wanted to go to Beacon.

"When I said I wanted to honor my family's name I meant it, but not the way that you think. I'm not stupid, I'm fully aware of what my father has done with the company. Since since he took control our business has conducted in a... moral gray area. Which is why i feel the need things right. If I had taken the job in Atlas, it would have changed anything. My father was not the start of our name and i refuse to let him be the last."---- V2 C10

This shows what Weiss is truly fighting for and why she is the way she is. She knows that she has a really big opportunity and position. Yes she was a spoiled brat but though the guidance of others shes learned that the world can not and will not evolve around her.

Later in the same scene she says "whether we like it or not its our job to protect the people and we need to come second." This shows her strengthen her passion for doing the right thing. When

Weiss wants something she's going to try to get it and she's going to work to get it. Skip a little ahead to V4 C7. Weiss tells her father she wants to leave, and she is thrown an obstacle open locked in her room, and having her position striped from her.

However the Median is all about sprital and mental healing of the soul. And Weiss shows this by not letting this collection deter her from her destiny. She knows this isn't right and what is best for her. She know she can't sit around crying about what she's lost instead she has to fight for what she needs.

And she started training to finding a way back to the friends.

The median is also not suddal in anyway shape or from. That is weiss to a T.

In V4 C8 she gets offended when someone is bad talking vale. And how everyone is there for nothing.

"Worring about your hair, your money, your stupid problems that don't mean nothing."

This is also a role of the Median find the biggest problem and solve it in a way that make everyone happy.

The median is always the one willing to step in and say what she is thinking- hense her stubborness, and when she falls she knows that she need to step back and take time to heel before acting.

Once again Weiss does this later in the volume. We are yet to see Weiss at her full potential. But so far she has been shown as someone who is passionate and how's the drive to do the right thing. Even when she gets nocked down she gets back up literally and figuratively.

The median is the healing part of the women. She is the one that as soon as our goals but never bites off more than she can chew and when she does she's not afraid to ask for help or take responsibility for her actions.

We see this in volume 1 as well when Weiss saves Rudy from the scorpen grim.

"....I suppose I can be a bit... difficult, but if we're going to do this, we need to do this together. So, if you quiet trying to show off, i can work on being nicer." V1 C8

Weiss is still speaking her mind, yet is acknowledging her mistakes for how she treated Ruby in an earlier episode. The median finds the problem in herself and others and fights to right the wrong.

She sees the beauty in both herself and others and incorges that in ruby in this scene. Ruby tells Weiss that she "wants you to know she can do this."

And Weiss answers back with "your fine."

Shes not bringing Ruby down nor is she building her up. This is what contrast the Median from both the Qreen and her two shadows.

On the passive side we have the Melo.

This shadow is so detached from reality that she doesn't know what she wants in life nor the difference between right wrong.

This shadow trys to stay out of the spot at all cost. While the median will step up when she needs to the melo when step up when she is forced to.

The melo is also very passive aggressive as well however if given a little leverage just a little push button wrong person they will snap and they will hurt someone.

Melo's usually target themselves, they would usually act childish in the face of danger and often shut down when scared. Unlike her counter parts the Melo avoides conflicts and are ofter forced into them by someone or to impress someone.

If you haven't figured it out im talking about Emerald.

We don't know much about emeralds past other than she was raised on the streets with no father and a mother that never cared for her.

She was forced into the life of crime, theif, and murder.

"Follow me and you will never be hungry again." Cinder says.

Emerald say that as a way out. And everything she did for senpai. That point was both to protect and impress Senpai. The thing with the melo is that they need someone to love them someone to protect them. And she followed cinder blindly to the end.

In volume 5 when emerald thought senpai was dead she lost it and cteated an image of the worst person she knew.

And im guessing that it was Cinder that told Emerald to use her power on Pyrra to force her to kill penny.

This would be a good time to point out the aggressive shadow, which goes by many names, but i have chossen The Luster.

Unlike the Median how has to stand up and fight or the Melo is forced to fight.

The Luster actively looks for attention and only interacts with those seems lower than her. And if someone or something was to discriminate her, she would discriminate back.

She is the rebel and the assassin. She would bring those around her to their knees and only desire more. More destruction, more power, more tears.

Everyloss is a new opportunity and unlike the median, who gives herself time to heal, the luster can't wait to get back in the limelight.

It's obvious that I'm talking about Cinder.

She had gained the fall maidens power that she only wanted more. She had constructed the fall of Beacon amd was severely injured. Yet she didn't wait till her body was back up to 100% she was back to training wanting to get out. The same happen in V 6 when she lost to Raven, she was severely weakened almost to the point of death and was right back to killing and the task at hand.

Much like the luster, Cinder doesn't accept failure or half done promises. So like the Luster she wanted someone she could control someone that would follow her. She tried to get that in malachite but failed so she moved on to Neo.

What keeps Weiss from falling into these two shadows are her drive, motivations and independency. It was hard geting to were she is now and i hope she will keep maturing and put her father in his place.

I'm Emeralds Angel and this has been the first chapter of RWBY archetypes.

Tell who you wanna see next in the comments

And goodnight all my Angels and Jems.

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