The Chief

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"If i were one of your men i would shoot myself." V3 C3

Thats right we're doing Qrow now don't like it, take it out in the comments.

The Chief first made its apparince in the book, The Lord of The Flies. In this book a group of around 20 boys get stranded on an island, and the three main characters repersent either this archetype, or its shadow.

Qrow reminds me alot of Ralph, the main character and Chief. Both have it in them to be a great leader but are either, unwilling or too immature.

A key trait to The Chief is willingness.

The willingness to step back and give others responsibly. This archetype makes compromises and the is the one to pull others out of danger, while the two shadows either make the stimulation worst or ignore it.

"Everyone stay calm... Kid. " -V5 C11

"Running away was one thing but this... You have crossed the line. I thought so but i guess i was wrong."

Another key trait of the Chief is knowing when they have hit a brick
wall but they don't let that lost discourage them, instead he allows it to make himself and the others around him stronger.

Qrow knew that there was no getting though to Raven so he put aside the fact they were related and fought to protect himself and his friends.

Now to attack the elephant in the room.

Qrows Drinking.

It is because of this, i don't think he's one of the royal Archtypes. We've seen Qrow when he's drunk. He's picking fights, (V3 C3) he's arguing, forgetting responsibility( both in V6 C6) much like a child.

This is were the immaturity comes in another traigh of The Chief. They have it in them to be a good leader but can't. They only step up when others need them, but will step back and relay on others.

I want to focus on sober Qrow. Because when he is sober. He's a protector, a thinker, a listener. (all in V6 C12)

These are the key parts of his personaity. Is he really cares for those around him and, even though hes not in the spotlight 100% of the time, he trusts others to make the right decision.

The Chief is prone to childish behavor, even though they are fully grown, but they have it in them to be a good leader.

This is a good time to go into the shadows.

On the aggassive side we have the SuperEgo

The SuperEgo is like the angsty teenager archetypes. The thought process of the SuperEgo is "This is how things need to be, this is how they should be."

Jacques sticks out the most to me here.

If something doesn't go his way he puts a stop to it, or at least he tries to. The SuperEgo doesn't listen to reason or those around him, he only breaks them down to make him look stronger.

Think Piggy from the book, yeah he is not.the one in charge but when he is given the conch, he lets the power go to his head, thinking that people will do what ever he wants.

Jacques lies to keep the boys following him he punishes those that stand against him. Like Jacques doses with Weiss and to an extend Whitley. He will always try to take the easy way out.

We see this in V4 C7 when Weiss acts out and tells her father off. Instead of taking a step back and listening to his daughter, he lashes out and punishes what he doesn't see fit. He realizes he can't control Weiss anymore and he goes on to someone he can.

Even when Weiss trys to walk away and go look at the painting, Jacques trys to stop her. She explains her self he says back, "Sweetheart we have people for that." To him the people around him are just means to his survival. He acts humble and loving but deep down all he wants is what others can give.

The SuperEgo will use, and make excuses to why he acts the way that he does. Like Jacques has with both Weiss and her mother.

We haven't seen much with Whitley yet when he falls for Oscar- (yes. I will ship them till i die. Bite me.) I really want to see mister, "i always get my way." breakdown and turn into the Id.

The Id is the Chiefs passive shadow.

Like the Cheif, he has the potential to be a good leader but are to immature to be. They only focus on what they need and won't stop till they get it.

A way to spot an Id is the way they react when you tell them no. Whenever you tell them that, they'll melt down and act like its the end of the world. They will also do what ever it takes to keep in control even at the sake of there own sanity.

The key difference between the Id and the SuperEgo is the Id like to be incharge, while the the SuperEgo acts like their in charge.

The SuperEgo likes to work from the shadows, but I digress.

We're taking about the Id now.

Adam is a good example of this.

From The Battle of Beacon to Seeing Red, Adams been on this long temper tantrum.

"This could have been our day can't you see that! .... What you want is is impossiable." (V3 C11)

Adam is dangerous and powerful, but deep down he's really just a child want a toy back.

Blake was Adams last link to sanity.

In the Character short we see that Adam had it in him to be a good leader, with saving Gara's life and and listening to Blake when they were on the roof top. Its only when Blake left that he sliped into the shadows. (Not sorry)

Everytime we see him now he's yelling, bulling, and showing hate.

"I wouldn't have to be doing this if you just behaved... But your selfish, your a coward! People hurt me long before we might... But noone like you, you didn't leave scars you just left me alone. So how does it feel to be alone?" (V6 C11)

This whole speech is him blaming her for his pain and hate. Heck he was willing to kill the entire White Fang, all because Blake was giving him Sass.

Adam is a relection of Jack from the story. Both are childish, hateful, and prideful.

Lets recap

Qrow is the Chief because he is not in the spotlight all the time, yet he steps in someone needs him. He trusts them to follow his advise and make the right decision.

Jacques is the aggressive shadow, known as the SuperEgo because he forces himself into the spotlight and fights keep control even though he knows his way can't work anymore.

Adam is the passive shadow because of the childish and inmature he is, yet he has manage to gain such a dangerous following. He only does whats best for himself, while Jacques molds others to do his dirty work.

This has been the Chief, SuperEgo and Id broken down.

I'm Emeralds Angel and i need some chocolate and a beer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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