Nolan (Mine)

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Due to Quinn's recent vlogs I have started to love Nolan so now he can be requested along with, Javi and Eric

(F/F) = Favorite Flowers

Your POV

" Guys, please don't ruin my surprise for her", I hear the familiar voice of my boyfriend, Nolan.

" But it's cute", That had to be Quinn.

"Shut up, Quinn", knew it.

As I had my back towards the door, of the room Nolan and I are staying in while we are in La, I hear it creek, slowly opening.

"Ok, she's asleep, do not wake her", my slightly menacing boyfriend says. Right before I hear a small crash near our bags.

"Take your own advice"

"Shut it, Manalo", he groans at Ches' retort.

I start to giggle at their antics, stopping as I hear a small 'dammit', I turn towards the group of 7 boys, "I'm sorry, Nol, didn't mean to ruin what ever the surprise is", I look at him with a smile.

"It's ok, beautiful", Nolan shoos off the other 6 boys, I laugh as they scramble through the door after each other, with Chris falling over. Nolan goes over and shuts the door, then I notice the (F/F) with a stuffed niffler ( Fantastic Beast ) in his hands.

"Aww Nolan, this is so sweet, I love it, but if you don't mind me asking, why the gift?"

I just wanted to appreciate what's mine"

I pull the tall boy towards me as I sat at the edge of the bed, " Its perfect, and I love it", I pull his face closer and give him a gentle kiss.

He breaks from the kiss, sits and pulls me into his lap, hugging me.


I smile, "And you're all mine"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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