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I finally step on Korea's soil after a long flight from Auckland

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I finally step on Korea's soil after a long flight from Auckland. I can't believe I am here to permanently live here with my family, well...technically.

My dad is experiencing cancer. The doctors back home didn't know what to do until they decided to send him to Seoul for better medications.

I know he was dying. I'm not that stupid. He was too weak to work, he's face got a lot paler, and he could barely move a muscle. My mom tried everything to heal him and going to Seoul is our last hope.

I'm sorry for boasting, but money isn't actually an issue for us. My mom is a famous author and every book she published were always sold out. It was a decent job, we have enough.

As I was walking through the arrival gates, I spotted my mom waving at me. I smiled before heading to her and took her in my embrace.

She and my dad came earlier here. I was left for a few days to finish school stuff. I did not complain. I really need more time to say goodbye to all my friends there.

"How was the flight?"

My mom softly asked before leading me to a black car. A man soon came out of the car and helped me with the luggage. I was seated on the passenger seat with my mom.

"It could be better. The landing was a bit rough to my dismay."

My mom giggles before kissing my forehead. Her blue eyes seems to sparkle even more. You see, she is an American making me a Korean-American.

I didn't really have all her features. I am probably a replica of my dad with my mom's smile. I love it though.

"When we arrive at home, you could rest all you want. You'll start school tomorrow."

I nod before laying my head on her shoulder. Since my dad spent more time in the hospital, it was only me and mom now. We got much more closer through time and I couldn't ask for more.

"How is Korea so far?"

I tried to spark up a conversation. It has been a week since we haven't talk. Well, we do call everyday, but that isn't the point.

"Delightful. I think you'll love it here."

Just so you know, me and my mom often speaks English. She could speak Korean, but feels much more comfortable with English.

Come to think of it, this all happens so fast. One moment I was with my friends doing homework together, the next moment I moved to Seoul and transferring to a new school.

I never complained. I followed and tried to be understanding to my parents. They already had a bad turn since my dad was sick, the last thing they want is a stubborn daughter.

I wasn't an only child, to be honest. I have an older sister who is now working in Los Angeles. She works in a publishing company, you could simply put that she is following my mom's footsteps.

We stopped in front of a big building. A few windows was on the building, lined up nicely. We both step out of the car and the driver took out my luggage. I bowed to him and said thank you in Korean before walking into the building.

I followed my mom until we reached our apartment door. Once my mom opened it, I was greeted with a modern looking space.

It wasn't that big, but it surely felt homely. It was nicely set. I'm guessing my mom did almost all the decor, knowing her to be a little artistic.

"Your room is down that hall, the door on the right."

I brought all my bags and quickly went into my room. The bed sheets are still clean and the room was spotless, but it hasn't been really decorated yet.

I could see my school uniform hanging in the opened closet. I set my bags there and decided to take a quick shower and get some shut eye.

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