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Sleep never came. His eyes stung from tears and exhaustion. His thoughts kept running wild in his mind, the only thing still stirring in the house. If he didn't know better, he would of thought he was the side of Over-Thinking. His heart, which he wished was cold and unfeeling, felt absolutely shattered. The same thought ran circles in his mind. A question he wished he had an answer for.

They don't want him there, they never do. So why does he keep coming back? The moment Roman had summoned him the others actively tried to shut him up, saying Logan doesn't know what is and isn't an overreaction. Saying that he doesn't understand feeling. No wonder he hid his own from them. They wouldn't believe him. They don't listen to him anyways.

He thought he had ran out of tears to cry, but was proven wrong. He sat up with a small hiccup, wiping away fresh tears. The dark sides where treated better then him, he realized darkly. They got listened to, even if it was through fear. He meant even less then them. Something about that made Logan cry harder, sobbing into his hands. He was a nobody, he meant nothing.

Did he always mean nothing to them? Did they EVER care? Anger boiled his blood, standing up abruptly. He didn't even think about his own actions. He muffled a sob as he peaked out of his room. If he wasn't going to be listened to he was going to find a way to MAKE them listen.

At any cost. He was tired of being pushed around. He wasn't someone to take lightly. He wasn't just some tool, he was just as important as everyone else. If not more, he thought darkly, but quickly pushed that notion aside. He walking into the dark hallway, holding his breath to keep his crying quiet. It hurt a bit. Everything hurt, a bit more pain didn't make much of a difference.


Deceit and Remus sat on the couch, Deceit boredly going through Netflix. It was impossible to find something they'd both like, but it was improvement from the usual fighting that ensued. For once it was actually calm in the Dark Sides half of the realm. Remus was sprawled out across the couch while Deceit sat like a normal civilized person. The calm didn't last long.

A shadow came over the already dim room, but noticeable due to its rarity. Deceit groaned, looking for the couch.

"What the hell do you want-.... Logan?" Deceits voice went from annoyed to concerned in a matter of seconds. Remus immediately perked up from his spot, peering over the couch so you could only see his eyes and hair for a brief moment.

"Why are you crying?" Remus, who was actually acting human for once, other then the fact he lunged over the couch, seemed very concerned. Something Logan wasn't used to. He muffled a sob into his hands. Remus glances at Deceit, who just nods.

"I can't say I didn't suspect this was coming..."

Darkness in Light (Sander Sides fic)Where stories live. Discover now