Please, Just Say I Love You (4)

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Chapter 4

Quidditch has always been a way to escape. It started when Draco was barely old enough to walk. For Christmas, Lucius bought him a broomstick for kids and started teaching him how to fly, against Narcissa's wishes. Then when Draco was eight Lucius taught him the rules of Quidditch. Since then the sport has always been Draco's sanctuary. Whether he was sad, stressed, angry, or even happy he was out practicing. Unfortunately his family didn't see the sport as important as he did so they didn't have a practice field at the mansion. But Blaise Zambini, his one and only friend, did.

In the Malfoy Manor, Draco disguised himself in muggle clothing he'd recently bought in town and grabbed his old Nimbus two-thousand to set off. It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning so the manor was completely deserted except for a few house elves cleaning the breakfast dishes off the table. Both his parents were gone, Lucius was at the ministry working to repay for the mistakes to save their family name and Narcissa was calling at one of her old friends' homes.

Before he set out Draco went to his father's study and picked up the phone. Draco cringed as he cradled the black shiny device and tapped in the ministry's number. Many things had changed after the war and to keep tabs on the Malfoy's they installed a muggle telephone. He usually had to call in if he were to leave the manor.

"Hello, this is Natalie Waterson speaking," A lady answered the phone in a bored voice. "How may I help you?"

"This is Draco Malfoy. I'm to inform your boss I'm going to be at the Zambini Manor this afternoon."

There was a moment's pause and Draco listened to Natalie talking to someone in a low voice.

"You may proceed to the Zambini Manor, Mr. Malfoy," Natalie said after a minute neutrally, "but you must be back before midnight. Understood?"
Draco rolled his eyes. "Yes," he growled.

"Have a nice day, Mr. Malfoy," Natalie said then hung up.Draco dropped the telephone on the receiver and hastily wiped his hand on his pants.

As Draco slipped out the gate that surrounded the property his eyes swept the area around him. He lived in a secluded spot outside of London where no one lived near for a half-mile. The people who built the Malfoy Manor had this in mind so no one muggle or wizard was spying on their property and discovering what the Malfoys were doing.

As Draco walked he noticed other houses were eerily silent. There wasn't anyone out as he made his way down the road. No noisy cars passed him, no children playing outside, nor any animal noises. Not a sign of a single living thing.

Draco ducked his head into his coat collar so if someone were to glance outside they wouldn't recognize him as the strange son of Lucius Malfoy.
He didn't mind walking in the heat. It felt nice as he went on his way as the sun beat against the black coat.
All too quickly he arrived at the gates of the Zambini Manor. Through the holes in the gate, he admired how big Blaise's manor was. The Malfoy Manor was plenty big but Blaise's seemed like it was taller than the Big Ben. It was five stories high not including the dungeon beneath it. The front lawn was the image of perfection with it's lush green grass and trimmed hedges.

Draco focused back on the task at hand and switched his broom to his other hand so he could put his right hand over the life-like serpent decorated on the gate. He waited as a strange tickling sensation spread on his hand and through his body making him shiver.

"Unknown person. Please state your name and your business to enter," Blaise's obnoxious voice said.

Every week Draco came over at least three or four times so he was used to his friend saying he was 'unknown.'

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