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Quick warning on this chapter for some of its contents. For many of you this might seem like an oddly calm event but for many people this is reality, not opted portrayed as such in the media. Take caution and always be safe, because even those you trust will fuck you over.

I could feel the alcohol working overtime in my system. All of my drinking from the night was finally starting to catch up with me and I could barely think straight. The music from the speakers was vibrating through my heart as I watched Syd a few feet away dancing her mother fucking heart out. My arm was sling around Duke to my right, his much more sober self supporting me. The word to Rockstar by Call Me Karizma left my lips lazily in a half slur, vibrating through my skull. I never really saw Duke at parties but he was one of my 'friends' and one of Luke's actual friends so I stuck with him.

I just wanted to forget everything from Cam and Nate, to Kenna, all the way to Luke's subtly growing discontent with my partying. I had always known he wasn't a fan of my going out late at night and hanging out with the people I did. It was no secret he disapproved of Syd's nicotine addiction and sex life and ever since our time with Cam earlier int eh week I was starting to realize just how bothered he was by me going out even if I was sober. So what did I do? I went out to actually get drunk.

Remember, this is the same bitch who tried to tackle a football quarterback to the ground in a fit of anger.

As my head pulled forwards for the fifth time in minutes, my eyes flickering and ready to pass out, Duke gently pulled my head back again so I'd open my eyes. "Do you want me to find you somewhere to lay down?" The Korean American asked me loudly in my ear over the sound of the rap music Syd was dirty dancing with a guy from New Cannon to.

"Yeah," I slurred back, knowing I was going to pass out soon. "Will you tell Hunt-ter to find me?" I asked as Duke helped me stand up from the couch. I know he's here I just didn't know where. I hand teens him all night but if I was here and Syd was here, this was Hunter and David's crowd. That, and I didn't trust Syd to get me home in one piece. Neither one of us would be getting each other home for that matter. He murmured a response that I couldn't make out but I was too drunk to care. The world was spinning before me as I stumbled down a marble hallways with Duke aiding me. He found the room and lead my through the white trim, helping me lay down on the king sized bed with navy blue comforters on it.

My eyes automatically closed as I faded in and out of consciousness. I didn't know how long it was that I laid there alone or if Duke was even there. All I knew was that my heavy eyelids could barely open more than half way when I heard the lock of the door. Like a fool, I assumed it was Duke leaving. How would someone leaving lock the door?

It was when I felt two people standing above me that I forced my eyes open again, the two faces spinning in my brain. It hurt to open my eyes to the point where I couldn't focus on the dizzy images in front of me. That's when I felt the nerves in my stomach start to build and not in the sense that I was about to throw up. Above me stood Max and Cliff, Hunter and David's good friends. Duke probably found them instead of Hunter.

While I was uncomfortable at the way the lanky blonde from the swim team was smiling down at me, it was the way Max put his hand on my thigh that scared me. "Are you okay, Kyra?" Max's distant voice asked me.

"No...I'm tired," I mumbled back incoherently. The weight on my lids was becoming too much to bare as I laid on the bed. "Did Hu-nt"

"Why would he?" Max asked curiously with a quirked eyebrow, almost mocking me. "Are you guys a thing now?"

"No-I have a boy-friend."

"Well, he didn't send us either," Cliff replied, staring down at my half conscious body. "David did. Though not directly of course."

"What?" I asked, too tired and absolutely uncoordinated to say anything more than one word replies. Were they going to beat me up to return the favor for David's embarrassment? No. They were Hunter's friends and Hunter likes me enough. Then again, he was the nicest of his friends. I'd given David a bruised jaw and that wouldn't go unnoticed by his friends.

"He was talking about you earlier today," Max murmured as the room spun in front of me. Blood pounded in my ears by not because of my stress levels. His knuckles brushed my cheek when my eyes flickered closed, attempting to keep me awake. "How no one ever taught you not to fuck with him. So like a good best friend, I said I'd take care of it for him."

My heart rate started to increase with the pounding of my aching head as Max's hand moved up my bare thigh. Every alarm in my head was going off but at the same time I knew there was nothing I could do and I was too tried to say anything else. It sounds stupid but it's true. That's one thing no one will ever understand. The closest I could compare it to was when your sibling was being annoying as shit but you were already half asleep and acknowledging it would just make the situation worse and wake you up fully, so you dealt with it.

"You know everyone always talked about what a nice body you had...then your sister got pregnant and the debate of which Klein was more scandalous suddenly wasn't as black and white. Don't worry, Kyra. I'm still on your side," he murmured, the leather of my skirt being pushed all the way up as I tried to close my legs.

"Stop," the word coming from my mouth was hard enough to produce, let alone the featherlight movement of my hand docily attempting to push Max's powerful wrist away. "Stop," I started to murmur like a repeated record, thinking it felt easier to repeat than to stay silent. My mind was so hammered nothing made sense. Anything that required thought was pushed out, only the signal to continue what I was doing reaching my brain.

Max's hand felt up my pussy over my black underwear, getting much to handstand for even my drunk mind's comfort. "St-stop," I slurred.

"What's that?" Max mocked in an almost cooing noise. "You like that?" If I was paying attention, I would have puked.  "I'd fuck you but you sister's situation is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth."

"Stop," I tried to grip his wrist but my fleeting touch did nothing but encourage Dave to push my underwear aside and stick one of his meaty fingers inside of me. My weak body barely recoiled, like I was having an episode of paralysis, unable to move.

"Are you on the pill like a good little whore?" he asked me commandingly. When I was too slow with my stuttered 'stop', I felt a slap across my cheek. There wasn't enough strength in my neck to turn my head straight again from the right. I just left my stinging cheek up as the pins and needles pricked under my skin. The loud base of the muffled music in the background started to fade to my heart beat as my consciousness started to slip out of grasp again. "Do you let your boy toy cum in your pussy when your boyfriend isn't around or not?"

The 'yes' was still coming from my delayed lips from the previous question. Violence was never the answer but, especially to an intoxicated person, it sometimes delivered the message. When Max interpreted my affirmative as a positive for both, I knew there was no saving myself.

Maybe giving up was too easy and made me weak, but I honestly couldn't tell you because the last thing I remember is the sound of two zippers going down and the sound of my own droning fading as my abdomen tightened and black dots appeared on the ended of my vision, my taught eyebrows and temples relaxing.

At least the darkness was comforting.

For now.

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