Part Ways

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After Yuliy's love attack, (name)'s eyes widened "oh yeah!" She said upon remembering something. Shoving her hand in her pocket, the half-vampire fished out the orb of light that sat in her pocket. Upon seeing the object, Yuliy's sapphire eyes expanded in shock, "th-the Ark?" He questioned and took out the Ark he had.

"According to Professor Willard, this is the Ark's counterpart. Apparently, it was man-made and its purpose is to balance the Ark's power." (Name) briefly explained to the older teen. Speaking of Yuliy, he felt a small sense of relief that there was something that could control the Ark. 'If I think about it, it resembles (name) and I,' he chuckled inwardly. Suddenly, an idea came to his head. If the Arks were symbolic then...

Yuliy gazed at (name) who gave him a confused look; "what is it?" She wondered out loud. As a response, Yuliy looked at both Arks and pushed the counterpart toward (name) who sat confused. "The Arks remind me of us," the Sirius begins to say, "one of us is always ready to control the other's power. With that thought in mind, (name), I want you to be my counterpart. Will you?" His voice holding the sincerest tone while his eyes carried a soft gleam. 

A chuckle left (name)'s lips as she buried her face into Yuliy's chest, "what are you talking about? I've always been your counterpart and forever will be." Yuliy's face lit up at that as he hugged (name) close to him. 

At that moment, both teenagers absorbed their respective Arks. Yuliy taking the original and (name) getting the counterpart which revealed to be symbolic to themselves.  After absorbing the Arks, (name) looked at Yuliy then down at a still unconscious Willard. Turning to the man who had been her caretaker, the half-vampire bowed her head, "Professor, thank you for finding me that day four years ago. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here and wouldn't have met Yuliy. Thank you for making a Jaeger and for giving me this final mission. I promise that one day, we'll meet again. Goodbye, Professor." 

Hearing (name)'s voice filled with gratitude made Yuliy want to speak to Willard as well, and the (h/c)nette saw this. Saying she would get Tamara, (name) left Yuliy to speak to the sleeping professor alone. 

Luckily, the smaller vampire wasn't too far from Willard so all (name) had to do was pick her up and take her back to where she and Yuliy had woken up some time prior. Seeing Mikhail's lifeless body, (name) sat herself beside him while keeping a hold of Tamara, "Mikhail," the half-breed opened her mouth, "what would've happened if I had gone with you that day? Would you be alive now? Would it have been me to die? I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that Yuliy wouldn't have gotten here without you and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." The half-vampire bowed her head in pure appreciation.

Feeling restless, (name) laid the smaller vampire down before picking an area far from the water. She used pieces from the, once, airborne ship as a shovel to dig a hole deep into the earth. Heading back to the shore, the (h/c)nette knelt down; "sorry about this but please endure my roughness" she spoke apologetically as she grabbed Mikhail's body before heaving herself upwards. 

Leading her way back to the hole she had dug, (name) laid Mikhail's body down beside the dark abyss. A sense of hesitation tugged at her sleeve but all she could do was shrug it off. So after taking a deep breath that shook like an earthquake, (name) once again, lifted the turned vampire's body, carefully lowering it down into the earthly opening. 

After a few minutes, (name) had covered up the hole with the dirt from moments prior. Wiping away a stray bead of sweat down rolled down her face, the teenager heaved a deep sigh. "Maybe going to pick flowers will help clear my mind." She suggested to no one but herself. 

Upon taking her leave, (name) was surprised when she met up Yuliy; "(name), did you...?" It was obvious what he was going to ask. "Did you bury my brother?" 

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