California Love | Opening

167 6 1

125th St. and Lexington Avenue.
East Harlem, NY
November 12th, 1991

.....3:15 am

" all you niggers put your mother fucking hands on your heads! " the cops yelled at the 4 young men, black men, holding loaded guns.

" man I ain- "


The first boy fell. " stay put! " the officer yelled at the 3 who were left standing.
They held their hands up, looking down at their gang rival dying slowly in front of them.

Even though they claimed a gang, the young boys felt for the body laying gasping for air.

" he's gonna die! " one yelled to the officer.

" I said keep your hands up and your mouth shut!"

The officer didn't lift a finger to his walkytalky. And the hospital only 3 blocks away, awaiting with life saving assistance, didn't hear a thing.

"Pac.." the second boy whispered to his friend, showing him his hand.

" don't.." the boy said back as he watched his friend slowly reach in his back pocket.

" run as fast as you can.." was all he said before letting a ring of shots sound off.


The 2 remaining took off running, bullets flying just feet away from their heads.

" go Pac! " the third boy told his friend as they split. The police snatching him up just seconds later.

Pac heart raced as he ran and didn't look back. He ran through the dark alleyways. Until he met his block. He jumped on the rusty latter and climbed like his life depended on it.
Because it did.

" ma ma! " Pac flew through his bedroom window, cutting his left on the way in, not feeling a thing.

" boy! What is all that noise you keeping!" His mama said as Tupac busted into her room.

" ma! " he cried, going over to his mother.

" what's the matter boy? what happened?" She asked him frantically rubbing his head as he held on to her tightly.

The young boy closed his eyes shut as the sound of the loud fired bullets kept replaying in his head.

" they shot Koba..he's gone"

She looked up and stared blankly at the wall. Thoughts of her baby being shot and killed to the life he was living raced through her mind.

" Your moving with your Aunt Jene boy.." was all she said. Holding her crying firstborn in her arms.


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