The Drunken Feast

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"You are sure you are fine?" Bjorn nagged as they walked to the docks to meet Harald and Halfdan. It was nearly a week ago when Bjorn rushed to see her unconscious in his brother's arms. When they told him what happened he knew it was one of her visions, and would normally wake up in an hour our two. She didn't wake up until this morning and was acting as if nothing happened.

Rán sighed as she would rather ignore what happened to her. Her aching body and pounding head we reminded her enough. Bjorn's nagging continued before Rán looked to Torvi for any help "Please tell your husband, and my brother that he needs to stop worrying about me." Rán pleaded causing Torvi to laugh.

"We are allowed to worry when the people we care about collapse." Torvi replied. "Even more if they are family." She added knowing that the woman simple wanted to forget the whole ordeal.

Rán sighed knowing she would act the same way if it was her mother or someone she deeply cared about. As they grew closer to the docks she was soon joined by Hvitserk. "How are you feeling?" He asked only to be met by an annoyed groan to which she walked ahead of the group. "What did I say?" He questioned Bjorn as he had just found out she had woke up mere moments ago.

"Bjorn has been bothering her since she woke up." Torvi smiled and pat his shoulder. "I would just let it go, clearly whatever she saw, she doesn't wish to remember again."

They all met at the end of the docks to see a fleet of ships making their way into the harbor. The ships glided through the water with sails a vibrant yellow and red. It was truly a sight to behold. "There are so many." Rán whispered as she mentally counted them all. "I made the right choice sailing with you brother, I know it." She smiled at Bjorn who was glad her mood was starting to improve, before turning her gaze to the ships that grew closer and closer.

The boats came to shore and the men were quick to unload themselves from their boats glad to be back on land. Bjorn, Torvi and Hvitserk went to go greet the King and his brother while Rán moved to greet Floki.

"I have heard you will be sailing with us along the Mediterranean. I thought I told you to stay away from water." He teased with a giggle.

"I will be fine Floki, it seems you, and my brother both forget that I am a woman, and not a girl." The two laughed and embraced before she heard Bjorn call her over to the two men before him. Both had beautiful face tattoos that Rán could spend hours studying the details, but that was the only thing similar between them. While one had dark hair with a full beard, the other was blonde with half his head shaved paired with a mustache and goatee. Both were polar opposites, yet were like two side of the same coin as she observed them.

"King Harald allow me to introduce my sister Rán. She will be joining us on our journey, she is blessed by the gods and will be a valuable asset on our journey." Bjorn spoke proudly. He could tell they were apprehensive, but she was coming whether or not they approved.

"I will see you all at the feast tonight, I want to get in some target practice before Aslaug gets a hold of me. I think she is enjoying having a woman around she can dress up." Rán laughed and walked off quickly not enjoying the strong gaze she was under. Rán borrowed, well more along the lines of stole one of Ivars bows and started to practice shooting a target. Every time she would hit the center she would take two steps back. Rán was so lost in her little game she didnt see Aslaug start watching.

"Forgetting something?" Aslaug questioned grabbing the tattooed woman's attention. Rán quickly made her way over profusely apologizing for her tardiness. "Do not worry, I assumed you were out shooting, Ivar couldn't find one of his bows." She smirked and hooked her arm with Rán's

"He blamed Sigurd didnt he?" Rán rolled her eyes as Aslaug nodded. "Those two fight more than children over a toy"

Aslaug laughed "It is true they argue, but I hope they are able to resolve their issues. Ivar hasn't had an easy life, and I do tend to give him more of my attention." She confessed.

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