thirty one- meeting his family

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addy's pov

i woke up to chase's alarm on his phone for 7:30 am. we had plans on meeting up with his family all day. he said they originally had these plans before they knew i was coming. chase and i sat up on the couch. we went back to his room and he let me take a shower first. i only took 10 minutes. he got in right after me. i stayed in the bathroom to get my makeup done and do my hair. i did my everyday makeup look with pink and yellow. i added eyeliner too.

i blowdried my hair and had it up in a bun. i got out of the bathroom and chase walked out of the shower right after i left. i was looking through my clothes to find one of my hoodies when one fell on me. chase had thrown one of his. "take it you can have it" he said while walking out with his clothes on but wet hair. "use my blowdrier its the yellow one" he walked back in and used it for about 10 minutes.

by 9 we were both completely ready. we left the house at 9:15 to meet them at breakfast at 9:30. in the car i leaned my head on chase's shoulder. he leaned his head on mine. "who are we meeting mom?" karissa asked. "we are meeting with grandma and papa" mr. hudson answered.

note: idk much abt chases family so im making up most of it lol bear with me kiddos :)

"you're gonna meet my grandma maraget and my papa. they'll love you" he grabs my hand. we arrive at denny's and walk out. i hold chase's hand almost the whole time. we found them at a table. we walked to them and mrs. hudson gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. then karissa did it too. chase walked me up to them.

"hello dear" his grandma greeted him pulling into a hug kissing him on the cheek. "hey grandma, this is addy, my girlfriend" he points at me. "addy this is my grandma maraget" "what a beautiful young lady you are, what's your full name?" she asks me grabbing my hand. "my name is adalyn love blake but a lot of people call me addy" i tell her. "lovely. i love that. you can call me grandma just like the kiddos do. this right here is my husband you can call him papa too" she introduces me to him. he shakes me hand. "hi im addy" "nice to meet you addy im papa as you know" i nod and follow chase to a chair.

it was a table with 4 chairs on one side and 4 chairs on the other side. on one side of the table it was mrs.hudson, mr.hudson, marlena, and karissa. the other was chase, me ,grandma, and papa. we all ordered our drinks. i got water and so did chase.

his grandma kept talking to me and it wasn't awkward at all. i love his family. he had his hand on my thigh under the table. i didn't mind because i was used to it and his touch made me feel safe. "what do your parents do addy?" papa asked me. "i don't know my parents" i blurted out unintentionally. chase removed his hand and they all gave me a look. "i mean um my dad works managing a store. my mom sells clothes she makes from home" i attempt to cover up.

"are you adopted?" was the next thing that came out of grandma's mouth. i hesitantly noded. "i was adopted by my mom's sister and her husband when i was 10. i don't know why" i explained myself. everyone gave my apologetic looks. chase seemed annoyed. he stopped looking at me for the rest of the time at breakfast.

"do you have siblings?" grandma asked. "i believe so. none that i met though." i answer. i turn my head to chase and he's looking the opposite way. "what's wrong?" i whisper to him. he looks at me and scoffs. he looked away again. i felt tears form in my eyes. "excuse me im sorry where's the ladies room?" i say standing up but looking down. "i can show you follow me" karissa leads me. i get out of my seat and as im taking more steps the harder it is to keep in the tears. i let one slip and wiped it but not fast enough for karissa to not see.

i push the bathroom door open quickly and she goes in too. she shuts it and grabs my hand to stop me. i turn to face her. "whats wrong?" she asks with her hands on my shoulders. "hes mad at me. i told his family before i told him and now he's pissed at me. i didn't mean to say it. it sorta just came out" i explain while looking her in the eyes with tears falling down my face. "did you want to keep it a secret?" she asks me. i shake my head and look down. "no i didn't. i was going to tell him sometime this trip like tomorrow but i guess it slipped through. " i twiddle my fingers.

"in sorry my brother can be stupid. i would say to go with the flow of things until we get back home for you two to talk it out or whenever you get the chance to" she explains to me. i nod showing her that i understood. she hugs me and i return the favor. i turned around to face the mirror and make it look like i wasn't crying. i carried extra makeup with my in case of emergencies like this.

i walked out after karissa and sat back down with chase. all of the food was at the table. it looked like it had just gotten there because everyone had just started eating. i began eating and sat there quietly. i looked up and chase who was ignoring the world on his phone. i ate all my food because i felt bad wasting food other people bought for me.

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