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//your pov//

I didn't tell Matt about the little fight me and Edd had. He understood though. I didn't want to talk about it. He was understandable though. I really did need a hug.

I told Matt I needed to be left alone though, but I'm pretty sure he told the guys what state I was in. I don't know.

Right now, I've just been sitting by a small pond. Why? It's peaceful. I noticed clouds has been coming in. Was it going to rain? Maybe.

I sat on an old tree stump that has been here for years. It was old looking and really dry. It was big enough to sit cross legged. In fact, it was big enough for two people. Maybe even three if the other is small enough.

I just sat there, thinking. I should just be home schooled. It would be better. But I need my education? No, home schooling wouldn't be it.

What if I just changed my looks? No, I like the way I am.

What the hell do I do then?

I didn't have much to do or think about now that I think about. The whole fight with Edd just sunk in me like I just excepted it. It was true though. I am the loner.

My mine darted to my bag. I brought the sketch book Edd gave me. Maybe if I tried... No... Nothing special would even happen.

I grabbed my bag, basically ripping out the book. I flipped the page to the drawing Edd gave me.


I put my hand at the end of the page, threatening to tip it off. But I couldn't. I was not one to just throw away a gift. They gave it to me because I meant something, right? So I keep it.

But this one says I'm nothing. I'm just a lonely person, that's all.

It doesn't say I mean something.

It's says I'm a wast!

" a wast of space!" I say to myself.

I couldn't do it. I can't do it. Even if this gift means nothing. I can't.

I slapped myself and told myself to get it together. I need to to get it together.

I flipped the page and on to a new one. But this one was already used. There was green writing on it.

Dear Y/n.
I hope you opened this to a new page. I just wanted to least try to draw. Please? For me? Well, if you do, oh my god! Please show me! And also, I'm sorry for everything still. I know we were just kids and all but, you loved to draw. Drawing was your passion when we were kids, and I ruined it. So, please try, and try and try and try again. If I never picked up a pencil, I don't know what I would be doing with my life! Haha! Just kidding, but seriously. Draw something.
Love - Edd~~


He wants me to draw somethings for him...?

Well, it's obviously to late now.

But it didn't matter. I'm still gong to do it.

Then I grabbed a pencil from my bag, flipped to a new page and thought; "what the hell am I gonna draw?"

I'm basically a starter now, so something simple...?

A flower...?

A rose...?

Or maybe just a house...?

No, I think I'll draw what's in front me.

And that was the little pond in front of me. I started to draw the water, getting into details later.

Drawing your heart (Edd X artist reader)Where stories live. Discover now