
647 29 22


ship: dorbyn
warnings: smut, cross dressing, daddy kink, long
not requested

third person point of view

daniel seavey and corbyn besson hardly even knew each other. they only had a couple of classes together throughout high school, but other than that, their existences did not matter to one another. they had their own separate group of friends, and that's just how it was.

the following friday, whispers were echoing in the junior hallway as corbyn casually strolled to his locker. as he observed, he thought everyone was talking about him, looking down at his outfit to make sure something wasn't spilled on it. corbyn saw nothing there, so he assumed there must've been some rumor going around about him sleeping with some random girl-which happened quite often.

boy was he wrong.

as he arrived at his locker near the middle of junior hallway, the hallway was almost dead silent by now. then, all of a sudden, the loud clicks of heels boomed through the hallway, killing the awkward silence.

turning his head quickly, corbyn's eyes widened almost immediately. there stood daniel seavey and his group of girl friends. but this was different than the normal sight; daniel was dressed in a crop top, a very short plaid skirt, and a pair bright red stilletos, with a light coating of make-up visible on his face.

along with the rest of the junior hallway, corbyn just stared. this had never happened at the specific high school in all of corbyn's time, but he couldn't say he didn't mind it.

as daniel practically strutted down the hallway, corbyn let his jaw drop slightly at the sight. he truly was killing this look, as the cat-calls in the hallway confirmed it.

daniel seavey looked like an angel, and he didn't mind it at all. all of the stares just made him even more confident, smirking now as he swayed his hips intentionally even more.

catching the attention of daniel, he purposely drops his pencil in front of a staring corbyn.

as he bent down to get, corbyn watched his every move, licking his lips at the sight. daniel is fully bent over now, and corbyn can visibly see his white lacy thong underneath his skirt.

corbyn takes in a deep breath as he feels his pants begin to tighten. daniel flirtatiously winks at him and begins his trip to his homeroom, as if nothing just happened.

corbyn lets out the breath he was holding and quickly grabs his belongings to scurry off to homeroom before anyone could question him about what just happened.

<𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰>

corbyn's best friend, jack, was hosting a party at his house later that evening. the blonde's clock read 8:47, so he decided he better get up and throw on a new outfit. he decides on an off-white t-shirt with some black jeans, along with his all white doc marten's and a von dutch hat to pull it all off.

grabbing his car keys, he jogs down the stairs and casually tells his mother that he is going over to jack's house. without any hesitation, she is quick to say that it is fine, knowing that jack was a good kid.

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