Chapter 2

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After leaving the office with Logan in toe I lead him to through all the class rooms until only the fields outside.

"Okay Logan what's your story?" I ask as we walk to the football-field. "I've led you through all the class rooms and you haven't said a word, only glare at me occasionally." Once again he cast me a glare. "Fine have it your way" I lead him to one of the entrances only to find ourselves surrounded by figures wearing black.

"Well, well what's this?" Jeff's voice rings out. "Little slut and her pretty boy." All the boys around us laugh evilly. Jeff reached out to take my arm, only for Logan to place himself in front of us. "I'd get out of the way if I were you." Jeff warned, Logan just glared at him coldly.

When Logan showed no sign of moving one of the boys shoved him roughly, Logan whipped around throwing a right hook to his temple. All at once Logan was swarmed with dark figures and I find myself being grabbed from behind and dragged away a few meters. Being pinned to the wall, gasping in fear I look at my attacker.

"I've waited too long to have you Lexi," Jeff says with a growl. "I won't wait any longer." Jeff dips his head down to my neck and bites down hard not hard enough to draw blood but making me cry out. I try frantically to push him away, but his stronger frame dominates mine.

Suddenly Jeff is torn from me, I see Logan pinning him to the ground punching him mercilessly. Jeff had already passed out and was limp as a leaf. Blood smeared across Jeff's face as Logan punched again and again and again.

"Logan stop!" I shout trying to draw him from his violent rage. "Your going to kill him!" I rush to him and grab his swinging arm when he pushes me agents the wall, his fist ready to swing at me. "Logan!" I shout his name in panic as fist comes flying at me. I close my eyes just waiting for the pain to rip across me, but it dose not come. I open my eyes to see Logan's bloody fist stopped inches from my face. Breathing heavily he sinks to the ground next to me, leaning his back agents the wall.

I stare at him blankly for a moment before I step towards him. "No, stay away." His voice startles me, it's the first time he's talked. And his voice is so deep.

"Why? You just saved me." I ask taking another towards him.

"Because, I'm a monster."

His words shake me to the core, I crouch down next to him grasping his face in my hands. "You are not a monster, you here me? Who or what ever put that in your head, get it out right now." I look at his dirt covered shirt, bruised cheek and bloody hand. "Come on," I take my hands away from his face and grab his hands urging him up off the ground. "Let's get you cleaned up." He stands and I lead him to the fields infirmary. Inside I sit him down on a chair as I gather cleaning supplies and get him a glass of water. "Here." I hand him the glass of water, he drinks all the water within seconds. I wet a washcloth and start to clean his face and neck, the whole time he watches my face. A few times I looked into his beautiful blue eyes to find him staring into my own.

I had just finished cleaning all the blood from his hand when I noticed a red line across his left side. "Are you bleeding?" I ask reaching for his shirt to see. His hand reaches out and catches mine before I can even touch him. I look into his eyes as he stares at me. "I can't help you unless you let me see." He reluctantly let's go of my hand, and to my surprise takes off his shirt.

I am taken aback by how large his muscles actually were, his chest, his arms, his abdimon, all with muscles bulging under his skin. I had almost forgotten about his side until my gaze slipped to his ads. I see a large, deep cut on his side. "Oh my god." I touch the skin around it lightly, he jerks away hissing in pain. "Sorry. Let me get some stuff real quick." I walk to the Medicean cabinet on the other side of the room looking for some thread and a needle.

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