Chapter 14: Sick At School ( Part 9 )

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Liz's Pov: " I sitting in the parking lot at Target waiting for my son to get back,we had to make a stop because Luke needed to use the toilet. "

Before Liz goes into Target to look for her son Luke, she takes the keys out of the car and her purse and locks the car.

Luke: " Ugh." He groans because of his stomach bothering him.

Liz: " Excuse me sir. " she says to the cashier.

Cashier: " Yes. " he says to Liz.

Liz: " Do you know where the restrooms are? " She asked the cashier.

Cashier: " Yes, they are pass the check out to the right. " He says to Liz.

Liz: " Thank you. " she says to the cashier and makes her way to the restrooms.

Cashier: " Your welcome. " He says to Liz.

When Liz gets to the restrooms, she knocks on the door to the restroom that her son
Luke was in.

Liz: " Sweetie are you in here? "She yells from outside of the bathroom door.

Luke: " Yes. " He says from the inside of the bathroom door.

Liz: " Are you doing okay? " she asked her son Luke.

Luke: " I finally finished having diarrhea but I feel like I'm going to throw up again. " He says to his mom.

Liz: " Really sweetheart. " she says to her son Luke.

Luke: " Yes. " He says to his mom.

Liz: " Sweetie, do you want me to come in? " She asks her son Luke.

Luke: " Please. " He says to his mom and unlocks the door so she could come in.

Liz's Pov: " When I walked into the bathroom, I saw my son sitting on the floor in the bathroom with his head against the wall he was shivering really bad and sweating buckets he looked extremely pale like he saw a ghost; my baby boy was so hot that I knew if I didn't get him home soon and get him cool even though he was already shivering that he might pass out. "

Luke: " Mom, I'm so hot but cold. " He says to his mom opening his eyes.

Liz: " Baby, you look like you have been crying. " She says to her son, looking at his blood shot eyes.

Luke: " I have. " He says to his mom with more tears in his eyes.

Liz: " You feel that bad. " She says pulling her son into a hug but being careful not to upset his stomach.

Luke: " Yes. " He says to his mom,letting the tears fall.

Liz: " It's okay baby boy, let's get you home. " She says to her son, trying to help him up when all of a sudden he puked.

Luke: " Sorry mom. " He says apologizing to his mom for throwing up on her a bit.

Liz: " It's okay, I am used to it. " She says not making a big fuss about it and taking her blazer off and helping him face the toilet.

Luke: " Ugh. " He groans again and throws up in the toilet.

Liz: " It's okay baby, just let it out. " She says rubbing her sons back while he continues to throw up in the toilet.

While Luke is still throwing up in the toilet, his phone rings letting him know that he had a phone call; once he gets a break from throwing up he looked at his phone and saw that his girlfriend was calling.

Liz: " Is that Vanessa? " She asks her son Luke.

Luke: " Yes but I will call her back when I am not throwing up anymore. " He says declining her call and going back to throwing up in the toilet.

Liz: "Okay. " She says to her son and rubbing his back again as he threw up.

Luke continued to throw up for another 4 hours until he finally starts dry heaving bringing up barely anything.

Liz: " Sweetie, are you finished? " She asks her son Luke.

Luke: " Yes. " He says getting up from the floor,flushing the toilet and the washing his hands.

Liz: " Do you want to go sit in the car? ,while I pick up a few things. " She asked her son Luke.

Before Luke can say anything he saw the same jacket that he had with the words Queen on the back and grabs it off the hanger.

Luke: " I promised my girlfriend Vanessa that I would buy her the same jacket I had. " He says to his mom.

Liz: " Really? " She asks her son Luke.

Luke: " Yes, I have to get it. " He says to his mom.

Liz: " Okay. " She says to her son Luke motioning him to buy it.

Luke: " After I buy this, I'll go sit in the car and wait for you. " He says to his mom walking up to the cashier.

Liz: " Okay, here are my keys to the car; don't lose them. " She says handing her keys to her son.

Luke: " Mom, I won't. " He says taking the keys from his mom.

Liz: " Okay. " She says going to the pharmacy section of the store.

Cashier: " Are you ready to check out? " He asked Luke.

Luke: " Yes. " He says walking to the Cashier and giving him the jacket.

Cashier: " That will be $14.89. " He says to Luke.

Luke: " Okay. " He says grabbing his Credit Card out of his pocket and swiping it.

Cashier: " Please sign. " He says to Luke.

Luke: " Okay. " He says signing his name to complete the transaction.

Cashier: " Do you want a copy of your receipt? " He asked Luke.

Luke: " Yes. " He says to the cashier.

Cashier: " Here you go, your all set. " He says handing him his receipt.

Luke: " Thanks. " He says to cashier before walking out.

Cashier: " Your welcome. " yells after Luke.

After Luke grabbed his bag he made his way to his mom's car,unlocked the door, climbed in, wrapped the blanket around him and started his mom's car after locking the doors.

Liz's Pov: " After I was finished picking up the few things I needed from Target and paid for everything, I went to the car and unlocked the door from the inside of the car because the windows were opened, climbed in the car after putting the groceries in the trunk and drove home. "

While Liz was driving home from the store,Luke woke up from his sleep and threw up again but in his mom's car which caused Liz to pull over on the road and let Luke out before he threw up again.

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