12 - Friends

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Watching Arthit interact with his friends leaves me with an untold sense of satisfaction and relief. Knowing that if the worst comes to happen and I do disappear from this world, Arthit will have these people that are clearly so eager to reenter his life, eases a worry that I hadn't realized I had until I now.

Getting to know his friends, I can laugh once I place them as the people on his Kill, Marry, Fuck list from our non-date dinner previously. It doesn't take me long to realize why Arthit had put Bright at his Kill pick considering the guy never stops the over-the-top teasing and jokes especially when Tutah gets involved as the two of them seemed to feed off each other's bad influence.

Knot is less the mother hen that Arthit described him as and more a fierce mama bear protecting their cub. I feel like my every move and word is being scrutinized by the silent male and I know deep in my bones that if I were to ever hurt Arthit in any way, Knott would make me pay dearly for it. Whether in their world or my own, as I have no doubt he'd find a way to follow me into the manga if it came down to it.

Now Prem, he's a very intense individual and while he certainly isn't quiet as Knot, he isn't as boisterous as the other two either. I get the feeling that there's a hidden depth to him that isn't easily seen by most. To a point, he reminds me of my friend Wad back in the manga world. They both look tough to those outside their circle but in truth, they were some of the truest friends to have.

Everyone makes a point to include me in their conversations but at times I find myself quietly reminiscing of my friends back in my world. I miss the banter and easy conversation that comes when you are with people you are comfortable with. The back and forth teasing that may get out of hand at times but you know that they have your back when you need it. It makes me realize that there's a part of me that desperately needs that type of connection still and as much as I love being with Arthit, he cannot be my whole world here.

Lost in my thoughts, I miss the moment that Arthit steps away from the table to use the restroom until I realize that there are four pairs of eyes narrowed intently on my face in a rather disturbing way that makes my palms sweat and knees shake.

No one speaks for a minute and as the seconds tick by in silence, I'm tempted to make my excuses and run after Arthit to avoid the awkwardness of the moment.

Finally, Bright seems to break as he sighs heavily before shaking his head at his friends.

"Okay, if no one else is going to ask then I guess I will." Bright pauses as he looks at his friends, possibly to see if they will step up after all but when no one does he continues, "Shit. Fine. We want to know who you really are."

Well this can't be good. Play dumb and stall them until Arthit gets back? They didn't ask when he was here so I just need to not say anything revealing until he returns and we can form a game plan later on how to deal with this situation.

"Uh...I'm Kongpob?"

"Yeah, so we heard from Arthit but we ain't buying it. Better to tell us the truth while we're still asking nicely." the shop owner Tutah adds in.

"What do you mean?"

"Well unless you're a fictional character from his manga, then your name sure as hell ain't Kongpob." This from Prem, whom looks the most pissed off of the group. The rest have a deadly serious aura around them that makes me gulp in fear of giving the wrong answer.


I glance over at the bathroom wondering when the hell Arthit will show up and save me from this interrogation from his friends. Should I try the lie that we fed to John about being us friends back in school?

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