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Last Chapter Summary: Kiyori arrives at Sancre Tor within Hueco Mundo and meets her new companions and discovers that Tokijin is her father. He tells her that she is destined to become the Newest Successor and must leave to training for fifteen years. Her companions discover that she possesses an otherworldly regeneration ability.

I do not own Bleach or any of their characters. All props go to Tite Kubo.

I do, however, own my characters, territories, ideas, and everything else that is not originally included in the Bleach story.


The time had come for Tokijin's plan to take effect; he and Kiyori were going to merge together at a far location away from Sancre Tor. It had been before 'dawn' time in Hueco Mundo, and Tokijin had come to Kiyori's door to wake her.

"Kiyori," He spoke softly, his hand on her back as she slept. "It's time."

Kiyori opened her eyes slowly and stared at him before nodding. She rose, now on her feet and treaded to her bathroom while Tokijin waited. After a few minutes, Kiyori returned, now in her uniform. Her chocolate hair had been put into one single braid that draped down to her waist. She noticed that he had completely masked his Reiatsu, and now carried his Zanpakutou, where the sheath stayed across his back. She hadn't seen him use or even hold his Zanpakutou until this moment.

"Ready?" He asked. Kiyori nodded, and they continued out of her room before Sonidoing out of the Central Tower and onto a bridge. Tokijin grabbed a hold of her hand before Sonidoing to the outer wall of Sancre Tor, where they were confronted by a tall dark-haired man with scars along his sculpted face and arms. He wore a silver armored uniform with a white cloak and bore his blue eyes into Tokijin's.

"Leaving this early?" The man asked.

"Kiyori, this is Tomi Umino." Tokijin spoke, "He is the head of security here in Sancre Tor."

Kiyori stared at him and Tokijin spoke again, "We've got business to attend to this morning."

"Is that why your Reiatsu is masked and hers is not?" Umino asked. Tokijin shrugged.

"Whatever it is you plan on doing Tokijin-sama, don't let it result in getting yourself killed." Umino said before turning slightly, facing the dunes of Hueco Mundo.

"Kiyori Kurotsuchi and I will only be training together very closely." Tokijin said.

Umino eyed him before shifting his eyes to Kiyori's. He shook his head, "How no one has caught on, I will never understand." Kiyori's small heart began to race. He knew already?

"I'm sure there are a few. And that is why she and I must train." Tokijin replied.

"Sancre Tor will await your return." Umino said to him. He looked back to Kiyori, "The wonders that are in store for you, little one."

Kiyori's eyes widened to him before Tokijin grabbed her hand again and Sonidoed away from Sancre Tor. As they continued, Kiyori looked back at the huge fortress that sat on top of an elevation until it was only a speck on the horizon. She looked forward at Tokijin's backside, staring at his blade – the blade that had taken thousands of lives. Just then they had stopped and Tokijin let her go, surveying the area.

"This seems fine." Tokijin said, returning to her front. "Are you still scared?"

"I'm not scared." Kiyori said, "I'm worried about what that guy said back there."

"Umino?" Tokijin asked, "Fret not, he's on the Jin Bloodline's side."

"But he could tell someone about me-" She began, but Tokijin cut her off.

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