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Last Chapter Summary: Kiyori and Tokijin merge together and he becomes her Zanpakutou in efforts to assist her Reiatsu growth and to help find her Zanpakutou. Teijo is coronated as leader of Sancre Tor and the Council is on the prowl for the Jin heir, but she is aided by allies. Before Kiyori leaves to the Inferno, she requests to see Grimmjow.

I do not own Bleach or any of their characters. All props go to Tite Kubo.

I do, however, own my characters, territories, ideas, and everything else that is not originally included in the Bleach story.


"I want to see Grimmjow." Kiyori replied almost immediately to her father. She could feel Tokijin's discomfort at her statement.

'Kiyori...' Tokijin started.

'Just for a little bit.' Kiyori spoke quickly, 'Please?'

Tokijin sighed loudly, 'What purpose would it serve Kiyori?'

'I don't know, I just-' She stopped herself, and there was a long pause.

'Fine.' He said, 'But do not put your training off any longer. You have twelve hours.'

His voice rang in her head, and blackness withered away into a slightly lighter setting. Kiyori was alone in a room. It was a bedroom, and it wasn't particularly neat, with furniture scattered all over, some broken, others in odd places that made little sense. The room had a large window, letting the crescent moon of Hueco Mundo bleed inside. Kiyori stood in the dark part of the room, avoiding the space the light touched.

The door ahead of her to the left opened, letting in light beyond before it disappeared when the door slammed shut. A large figure walked toward the bed, staring out the window before she noticed tension. It was Grimmjow Jaegerjacques.

Kiyori's body filled with joy, but her body wouldn't let her move. She was so nervous, being that she felt to have been invading his privacy.

Grimmjow slowly turned his body toward her, meeting the bright glowing eyes of Kiyori. She stepped forward into the light emitted from the moon, watching Grimmjow's eyes widen as he watched her.

"How?" He asked.

"Grimmjow." Kiyori said with a smile.

"I'm dreaming." He said, "This is a nightmare." He turned away to his bed. Kiyori stepped to him and grasped his left arm, making him face her again.

"Grimmjow, it's really me." Kiyori spoke with a small laugh.

He sighed, "I don't know how you got here, but I'm impressed. It's only a matter of time before Aizen notices."

Kiyori ignored him and wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face in his bare chest. Grimmjow sighed in response. She then looked up at him and grinned, making him groan.

"Why are you here? And how?" He asked.

"I wanted to see you. I have to leave to my training to the Inferno in twelve hours, so I requested to see you. I met my father by the way, his name is Tokijin – he said he had sent you to kill me." Kiyori said to him.

He nodded, "That's right."

"I know it's a bit random, but I wanted to just tell you thank you for everything." Kiyori spoke.

Grimmjow rolled his eyes, "For killing you?"

"Well that and easing me into this Vasto Lorde life of mine. It's very strange, but without your guidance I don't think I'd be doing so well." Kiyori said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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