First Day

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Hello, everyone, my and my friend have made another book, go follow her I_LoveFanfiction
she is a good writer, that is why we are working together

Catra’s P.O.V

My first day of high school, I wasn’t take excited because my foster mom, Ms. Weaver, yelled at me for being late to breakfast. Once I got on the bus I was already ready to leave, but then I saw a blonde girl. She was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt with a small gay pride button on it. She also had a red backpack and she was wearing gray sneakers. She was beautiful.

When I got my schedule, which was boring.

1. Science

2. History

3. English


4. Math

5. P.E.

6. Art

So I just sat down looking at my phone, but then. “Oh you have science? I do too.” Someone said. I looked next to me, and that’s when I realized I accidentally sat next to the blonde girl. “I’m Adora, what’s your name?” She said calmly. “I’m C-Catra.” I said TRYING to be calm. “Well since your the only person I know who’s also in my class, do you wanna be science partners?” Adora asked.

Then the teacher came in, and I couldn't believe my eyes, the fucking teacher was,

My uncle

Obi-Wan Kenobi, well, that's what he changed his name to, then he said, "Hello there".

Then I heard someone say "GENERAL KENOBI".

And the whole class laughed and now I know I might get bullied because my uncle is the teacher.

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