Black Galaxy

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I realized it was all I terrible nightmare but began to cry when I now knew that Drew was never coming back. "Your special," I heard someone whisper in my ear but when I turned around no one was there. My therapist was coming today to talk about my fear and I was determined to tell her about my dream. "Don't you need to keep this our secret," their was Drew's voice whispering to me again. I slammed my head down on my bed and forced my pillow on my ears. I screamed and then yelled, " Make it stop!" That's when my mother came bursting through the door. "Violet, violet calm down!" My mother whisper shouted. "I can't!" I yelled " Why me, Why me," I continued. "Violet everyone has fears," my mother tried to explain. "I understand that but that's not what I meant I'm refuting to the point that I haven't had a dream with Drew in it for two years and now he is in them again!"I shouted "I need to get over him and just accept that he is dead, he is gone and, he is never coming back!" I began to cry. My mom patted my back and convinced me to get ready for school. At least this is my last year I thought to myself, I'll be graduating soon. The only sad thing is I always thought I would be graduating with... Him but not anymore. I brushed back my long black hair into a pony tail, put makeup on my pail white skin and put on my black galaxy shirt, the band Drew was in. I looked at myself in the mirror and grimaced but I threw my backpack over my shoulder and raced to the bus stop. I got their just in time and scrambled onto the bus behind the cheery blondes and their football jock boyfriends. I rushed to the back of the bus to sit in the small seat for one so I didn't have to share with anyone else but when I got their a new kid was sitting across from it. He looked up at me and his blonde hair flopped in front of his icey blue eyes just like Drew's use to. His eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying. "Looks like you've had a bad day too want to talk about it," I asked new kid. "Sure," he replied his voice sounded just like Drew's. I sat down next to him in the seat where Drew and I used to sit. You could still see the Drew+violet scratched into the seat. "Hi I'm eclipse well at least that's what they call me I said motioning my head towards the front of the bus, what's your name?" The new kid whipped his tears and blew his nose then answered with, " my name is Drew,"

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