The Middle

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"And that's how I landed up in jail with you guys." I told my fellow inmates, who had gathered around to listen to my story. They applauded, and one of them even whistled.

"Man, I have never done anything as cool as that." said Carlos, a muscular, bearded man who had gotten arrested for trying his car keys in the wrong car. Poor guy, his actual car had gotten towed away, and a car of the same color and model had parked in the same spot. The police thought he was trying to steal it, and now he was among us.

"But didn't you do anything to John? I would have smashed his face in." said Jake, a thin yellow-haired man who was done in for shoplifting. It was only his first time, and I was familiar with credit card bills.

"No, you wouldn't." I replied. "But I took my revenge all the same. When the fire broke out, as soon as John saw me, he ran out in fear of his life. In the chaos he forgot his phone. I deleted my video from it, and send a message on his behalf to my boss. Most likely, he got fired."

"But what did you send?" Jake asked.

"I wrote 'I am resigning as I have been diagnosed with psychological disorders. It is possible I will forget about it later and deny sending this message, but please fire me immediately, it is for my health's sake." 

"Har har har!! You did 'im a good one" said Carlos.

"I could imagine the expression on his face." said Jake, smiling.

"I am such a loser, that this was the coolest moment in my life." I said.

"Naw mate, this IS the coolest thing you can do." Carlos said.


"Yeah, man. Who else can claim that they fired the office?" Carlos said, laughing again.

" are an arsonist? How many people did you just burn...that too alive??!!" said Jake, seemingly remembering his morals.

"Our office had sprinklers, and my boss got his foot burned...but no one got injured. Although most of them wont be able to use their shoes now, I reckon." I said.

"Phew, I thought you were a pyromaniac or something." said Jake.

"No, although I do want to burn the world sometimes..."

"Tell you what, you just need some guidance. You are lost, mate, admit that. I take you as my little brother. We bear the same name, except the os. Carl and Carlos? Now we are blood-brothers!" said Carlos

"Okay...?" I said as Carlos and I did a bro-fist and handshake.

"Don't worry, I gotch your back mate. We'll get you out of this."

As Carlos said this, an inspector turned up outside our cell.

"Carl...Trend?" the lanky inspector said, reading from his file.

"Its him." I pointed to Carlos.

"Yeah, its me." Carlos played along.

"No, he isn't Carl!" damn you Jake.

"Carl, don't mess around with us. This is not a place that encourages humor." the inspector said haughtily, looking right at me.

"Hey, if you know who I am, why did you ask?" 

"Whatever, you have an offer to work in exchange of a science lab? I didn't know we had a scientist among us?" the inspector said.

"Me neither. Let's find out." I said, and got up from the floor. The inspector opened the prison's gate, and it seemed that this was going to be my first day of hard penal labor. I couldn't be more wrong.

"Good luck Carl! Don't forget about your brothers." said Carlos, as we bid each other farewell.

"Don't get into any more trouble, than you are already in." I said as I walked out of the prison gate with the inspector.

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