Las Vegas

7 3 0

I decided to go straight down to business. Then I decided against it and went to a casino. I got chips worth 10000 dollars and went to the roulette. I wished to know the next 4 numbers color, and the HUD told me it was red, black, black, green. I wished to know how it knew it, and it told me something about calculating the wind speed and frictions and dealer's hand's velocity that I decided to forget about it. I followed the color combination three times, and after winning 30000 I quit to avoid suspicion. Besides, I got bored. There was no joy in winning when you knew the outcomes beforehand. Okay, there was some joy alright, but it was diminishing fast.

I got the winnings credited in my account and went to the Maxima Pawn Shop. There was a friendly-looking young man at the counter.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" He chimed.

"I am looking for a black nailcutter." I said, barely stopping myself from laughing. So awkward.

"One second..." He went inside, and I could hear hushed voices behind the door.

A gruffy-looking old man came outside and said "Come with me." He was dressed in complete black, and the black beard suited his proud face. He led through chambers inside the shop, which was scattered with random pawned items, ranging from purses to dresses to books to lighters to furniture and what not. I wished to know what all the store contained, and my HUD got so filled up that I had to immediately undo my wish.

At last, he led me into a sketchy storage room, filled with racks of chemicals. 

"You are new. Tell me, what does the division want?" In my thoughts, I wished to know the source of my powers by asking the right questions.

"Why can't you supply more?" I asked him, even though I didn't actually know what I was asking about. It was as if the wish had put the words in my mouth.

"Uncle Jerry says he won't give even a single leaf of his palm tree anymore. Its his alias, he is not my uncle. Here's his address." He gave me 'Uncle Jerry's' card.

"Be careful around him, he's a bit loony, kid." The old man said, leading me out of the shop. 

This was becoming a wild-goose chase, but I really wanted to finish it once and for all. It was time to pay 'Uncle Jerry' a visit, and answer the burning question in my mind.

Uncle Jerry's card led me to a luxurious house beside a beach. The place was lined with enormous, beautiful palm trees, and left me with a calm and serene feeling. But there could be no rest, until I knew what was this I had gotten into. Was I insane, and actually living in a realistic dream parallel universe?? Or was this real? Or worse, were these all just coincidences????? But no, no one has a HUD in their mind, so it couldn't be coincidence. But still, better to make sure.

I rang the bell and a burly and surly security guard came to the gate. "Do you have an appointment?" he asked.

"I wish to see Uncle Jerry." I said, and the guard let me through. #Coolmoment

I went inside the house, and it was set up like some millionaire's suite. There was a plush red sofa, and the beach-tile walls and chandeliers gave the look of a 5-star hotel or some other fancy place. I could only imagine how much did the science division pay him, for all this.

As I looked around the hall, dazzled, a stout gentleman with a red-buttoned coat and blue trousers came down the stairs. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice surprisingly calm for someone whose house has been intruded by a random tourist.

"I wish to know about what you supply to the science division." I said.

"Follow me." He said, coming down the stairs, and leading me to the backyard, which opened up to the beach. The sea air was refreshing; the scenery was breathtaking. Seagulls cawed in the air. Jerry to stopped to admire the scene. "It's amazing, isn't it?" He said. I nodded. "If only life was as simple, clear and peaceful as this beach, and the blue sky above it." he remarked. 

Finally, we pulled ourselves away and moved forward. He led me to a grove of palm trees, and walked up to the tallest and most ancient-looking one.

"This is the legendary palm tree. All I got in life, I owe to it." He said, pointing towards the tree.

"The science division paid me well for its leaves, but when I realized the poor chap is too old to grow them back fast enough, I told them that the tree is no more. Frankly speaking, their stupid experiments will get them nothing, and I would not make the mistake of desecrating my sacred tree again.

"You mean that's it? That's the secret to the Wishmonger?!!" I asked, unbelieving.

"Oh yes, the palm tree is the god of luck; it is magical, it is supernatural, its powers are beyond anything in this universe...wait, what's this wishmonger?" Jerry paused in his rapturous monologue.

I told him about my powers, and to prove it I levitated him in the air for 40 seconds. Then he wished to be dropped down, and I plunked him to the ground. Ouch. 

"Young man, it seems you are the chosen one. The palm tree is legendary, and its powers have been passed onto to you, it seems." he said.

"What's this palm tree nonsense??" I asked him. "You seriously believe that the source of my powers is this old, shriveling, ancient tree?? How is that possible!!!"

"I forgive you for your blasphemy. But you can wish to know if I am saying the truth and you will see. Logically, even your powers shouldn't exist. The palm tree is the greatest proponent of luck, and its ability to manipulate luck, and hence reality, has been transferred to you. Don't focus on the how, my friend, just utilize the great boon life has given you and enjoy it to the fullest. But before you leave, there's one more thing." 

Uncle Jerry brought down a low-hanging branch of the ancient palm tree, and touched its leaves on my forehead. 

"You have the palm tree God's blessings. Farewell, young traveler. You have a lot to do, and the world is your playground. Enjoy being the wishmonger, and may others' wishes come true along with yours too." Saying so, Uncle Jerry blessed me again with the palm tree's leaves, and we parted.

I wonder what else craziness life had in store for me. 

But one thing was for sure.





Continued in the The Tales of Wishmonger

The Wishmonger: OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now