Your Late

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I went downstairs holding my pee in,  and opened the door to see... Granny.

I sighed in relief, "Granny,  why are you knocking?"

"I lost my key" Granny said and walked past me.  It's strange...Granny never forgets her things.

I walked to the bathroom to go pee finally! That feels good!

I washed my hands and ran to my room.  I had to tell Rome about this.



'Something strange happened'

'Okay,  what happened?'

'My grandma never forgets what she needs I have never seen her forget.. But suddenly she forgets her keys'

'Where are you?'

'My house'

'Meet me at Sunny park'


I put on my shoes and walked to the front door, I passed the kitchen to my grandma looking at me but not saying anything.

"Granny?" I asked and walked towards her.  She flinched and let put a bloodcurdling scream.

I ran out as fast I could, I didn't even close the door.  I ran past the bus stop, past some houses intill there was a sign that read 'Sunny Park'.

I ran to a bench and waited for Rome. 10 min. Past.

After 30 minutes, She came on a skateboard, she looked around untill our eyes met and she smiled.

She came to me,  "Fancy seeing you here" She said in a British accent.

I laughed "That was terrible!" I kept laughing, she looked at me for a second and laghed too.

She sat next to me, and we smiled at each other for a little.

"Okay, When I was leaving something really scary happened!" I exclaimed

"What?" She asked.

"My grandma was acting strange and she just kept looking at me,  and when I tried to touch her she-" I got interrupted by Jenny Kinn she was walking by the park.

"Hey, cute guy why haven't you called me?" She smiled.

"Didn't want to" I shrugged

  "Well your hanging out with her,  so I think you need me." She winked at me.

"Go away!!!" I snapped, "I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!" I yelled at her,  she looked at me surprised and she walked off.

The conner of my eye I saw Rome smile at me. When I looked at her she stop smiling.

"Anyways, My grandma acted like she was...getting killed but no one was there.." I told her and she nodded.

"This is the yearboos of 1987, When room 346 was still open..Hmm homeroom of 346..Ah, here we are. All the kids here are.. Dead" She looked pale.

"Well aren't some of these people dead? Maybe it just-"

"No! I spend a lot of time at the graveyard and these people's graves are all a lined. Come with me we are going to the graveyard." She said and got up.

I followed, the graveyard was only a few minutes away. When we got there we went to the 4th row, she gave my the book and I looked at the names and the graves.  They were in a row,  alright.

"Spooky" I mumbled,  I looked at a name 'Landon Barker' huh his name sounds familiar...

I looked at her, "What do you think it means?"

She replied "I don't know, but all I know is that you HAVE to be careful!"

I nodded, it was almost 12 am. "We should get home, Rome."

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