Can't Wait

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I woke up in Romes room,  the events from last night flooded into my head.  I started to tear up, grannys dead.. Rome was next to me still asleep she had her arms around me, god shes beautiful. She makes my grandma dead a spoonful of suger.  Rome eyes fluttered open and she caught me staring at her. "Good morning, Gin." She smiled softly and she giggled.

"What?" I asked she looked at my hair it was so messy and everywhere. She ruffled it with her soft hands, I smiled at her. "Remember when we kissed last night?" I asked her, she nodded and still had a light smile on her face.  "That was my first kiss." I told her in a soft voice, she looked surprised.

"Really?" She asked in disbelief, I nodded. "That was my first kiss too!" She exclaimed. I puty head up to high-five her but insted she smashed her lips in mine,  woah.  "But... We did kinda just meet yesterday so if we wanted to date next week sounds good, right?" She asked.

"Makes sense, we dont want people getting mad.. " I said (looks at readers) I got up, and looked around. "BaThRoOm" My voice cracked so much.  She giggled, got up,  opened the door and pointed to the bathroon at the far end.

"My step-dad is at work so don't worry, he won't get you." She said and smiled.  I nodded my head walking to the bathroom,  when I opened the door it was yellow...everything was yellow like I'm not kidding..But I still went to the toilet and went pee.

"This feels good." I smiled and mumbled, I finished and pulled up my jeans and washed my hands. Wait.. I don't have any clothes!! When I wqs done washing my hands I went into Rome's room and said "I don't have any clothes!"

"Here." She smiled and gave me a green sweater and some blue overalls.  I nodded my head and went to change, SunnyField is somewhat colder in the summer. I put it on in the bathroom and I came out, and showed Rome.

"awww! You look like such a softy!" She exclaimed, I rolled. My eyes and smiled. I already had my bag so I didn't need to go home... She got ready in a white shrit and some jeans. We both headed out the door. We walked to her bus stop theres two bus stops about a mile apart Rome uses the other one and not mine so I waited with her.

"Hey whos that guy?" I pointed to a guy that was running towards us,  Rome rolled her eyes and sighed.

"That's Ethan, he has a big crush on me, ever since fourth grade." She looked at me and smiled when she saw my face.  "Are you jealous?" She teased me. I nodded, he came up to us and looked at me and rolled his eyes, when he looked at Rome he smiled.

"Heyyyy Rome" He made the 'y' go on for to long, this is what he looked like. He was pale, had black hair that was in a blub cut and he had an anime shrit on and some tan jeans. I put my arm around Romes wasit, he looked at me like I just took his dog or something. "Is this your boyfriend?" He asked looking at me in disgust.

"No but yes,  were going to date next week. We just met but we already kissed, its kinda like we like each other but we don't want people to get mad about we just met." She explained and he didn't even pay attention more like her was looked st her lips. I was getting more mad by thr minute and when she was finsished he was about to say something when I cut in.

"The bus will be here soon, we should go." I started walking with her my arm still around her waist but Ethan has to say somethimg god thks kid should go before if he know whats good for him.

"I'll come too." He said and grabbed Romes hand and took her from my arm.  Oh hell no,  I went in front of them and Rome let go of his hand while I was about to punch him.

"Leave if you know whats good for you." I whisperd intensely to him while my fist was in the air, he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Im sorry, Rome doesn't like you.  She rather off me, I've taken her to the movies before!" He bragged and I laughed.

"I gave her a first kiss,  weeb" I told him with a smiled and punched him in the face, he stumbled back and fell.  Rome went to me and grabbed my hand that I punched him with and kissed it.

"Thank you,  Gin." She whisped to me and I hugged her. I was taller then her she was 5'3, I was 5'7. The bus came shortly and Ethan ran on. While me and Rome just got on with a walk we were holding hands and we sat in the same seat. 

"Rome, I cant wait for next week." I smiled and she put her head on my shoulder, I put my arm around her.

Next week will be awesome!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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