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I have found that 

If you love life,

Life will love you back. 

And Life has always been amazing. I'm getting love and support from my parents and siblings and friends. That's all that you need for a happy life. Family matters the most. Best friends do too. Every moment I spend with them, I cherish it.

Even with their busy life, Mom and Dad spend a lot of time with us. My Dad, Dylan Walker is a businessman and my Mom, Camilla Adams is a businesswoman. Yes, both of them work in the same company, which both of them established. They studied in the same college and high school and know each other since elementary school. But well, the thing that struck me the most about them is their willingness to spend time with us. I mean we aren't kids anymore, we are in our late teens. "Parents giving time is what kids need to be happy always." That's what they say. And I know it's true. I love them. They take us on tours to different countries, states and cities during our holidays. So I've toured half the world with them and met hundreds of people and experienced soo many cultures, all so fascinating. I'm a people person. I love socializing. I love talking and sharing stories and opinions.

I'm 16 by the way. I have two siblings. An elder sister and younger brother. So I am the middle child.

My sister, Sabrina is 19 this year. And she loves modelling and painting. I braid her hair sometimes and it's fun. I saw my mom doing it a lot when I was a kid and then one day, me and Sabrina were playing with my younger brother and her hair got stuck in the branches of a tree. So I told her I can braid it for her, to which she hesitated a little but she let me do it anyway. I did it almost perfectly and she loved it. I know she has learnt to braid her hair but she still makes me do it for fun sometimes. I even experimented different hair styles on her and it worked perfectly. And just so you know, she looked pretty on Prom because I did her hairstyle that day. And guess what? Everyone loved it and she won. We were all soo happy that day. I love her, she's the best.

My younger brother, Maxwell is 13. He is a prankster. Annoying but funny. We spend a lot of time together and he says that I am his role model, which is cute and I'm confident that I'm good company. We spend a lot of time together and we both influenced each other. I influenced him in the case of flirting. He came home from school, I think he was 10, all excited and happy. When we asked him why, he said that my idea worked and he finally has a girlfriend. We all were silent for a moment and then we all burst out laughing. And they are still best friends but they are not dating. It was a childish fling to put it rightly. We still tease them about how they were a couple.

 He influenced me by his pranking skills. He is soo perfect at it and we all fall for his pranks all the time and it's all genuine. He taught me a few things and I pranked him a couple of times, some failed though but it's fun teaming up and pranking our parents and Sabrina. He is literally, the best prankster I have seen so far. And also a pretty good adviser. Clever for his age and really chill and carefree about his future. I love him for that. He says, "There's time for everything." But I do remind him how there should at least be a goal or some plan or else he'll panic last minute but he still feels like he can do it when time comes. I hope he does. I know he will.

School is meant for studying, but to be honest, I go school to meet my best friends: Mason and Liam. I've known these idiots my whole life. Both of them are amazing and support me through good and bad times. And friends are chosen family, so I guess these idiots are important in my life too. We all have different likes and dislikes but we share one same interest: basketball. We love this sport and I'm the captain of the basketball team since Freshman year. Me, Mason and Liam spend a lot of time together and if I'm not home then I'm with them or I'm at my favorite spot at Mallow Park. I go there to relax or to work on my hobbies.

I love photography and music, so I pursue both together. My life and my hobbies have a interdependence. I take pictures of my happy amazing moments to remember, and that gives me the lyrics I need. Sometimes even emotions makes me write really good songs. Memories and friendships, family and friends and this beautiful city SF are the 3 really important components of my life.

Yea I know I'm very emotional or whatever. I'll stop here. School's gonna start tomorrow. It's eleventh grade. I'm gonna be a junior in high school. Right now I have to go meet my friends at the café so adios for now.

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