Chapter 15

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"So, I wanted to tell you something last night, but you didn't give me the chance" Jace tells me as we sit in the practice room, hearing their next song. The song is powerful, just like the one they sung the other night. It's called "Me" and it's....... motivating, enlightining. I don't know how to describe it. 

"Hmm, go on" I say, a little distracted by crossing out the things that have already been done from the list. The disadvantage of having a tour is that you are constantly packing and unpacking all the stuff

"I asked Kelly out on a date tonight" he says with excitement.

"Really! that's very forward of you" I say, his words catching all my attention in a blink. He is not the one to ask girls out in a matter of a handful of days. 

"Well, I thought that we're leaving tomorrow night, so it's better to try everything I can till I still have some time" Jace says

"You're right. This Kelly chick must be different that she has my Jace wrapped up around her little finger in such a short time" I tease him and he gives me glare. 

"I'm joking, it's good to see you back in the arena" I say, bouncing off the chair so he woundn't have time to respond to it. I turn arround to see his eyes narrowed at me and I stick my tongue out at him. Immature, but that's me. I turn and bump into someone, who turns out to be a smirking Zach. 

"You're so into me" he says and I instantly back off. I'm guessing that his dripping cockiness is something everyone else finds attractive. But no, not me. I don't know how did I think that I liked this guy, or if that night was even real, when he was remotely sweet. I don't even honor him with a reply before stepping past him onto the stage. I immediately join Miles and he starts playing the keyboard for me. 

Well past noon, we decide to return back to the hotel for different reasons. One being that Jace needed to get ready for his date and the other that we needed to do some packing. Mr Gray suggested that we should take rest and enjoy Paris while we're here. So here we are, sitting in Austin's room, trying to decide what to do.

"I want to see the Eiffel Tower. I'll die if we don't go there while we're here" I whine as I plop myself on a pillow on the bed.

"I second that. The guilt will haunt me forever" Stacy says, laying behind me and supporting her face on my arm. 

"Why are you girls so dramatic?" Zach mutters, which does nothing but to fuel my anger for him.

"I guess we should visit it too. Anyway, we don't have anything better to do" Miles says and Austin nods in agreement.

"Carter and I have some work to do, you guys should head there without us" Zach says.

"Are you sure, this is once in a lifetime opportunity" I say, unlike the avoiding thing that I was trying to pull off. Zach shares a look with Carter and then Austin, and the same silent communication between everyone-except-me suddenly consumes the room which happened when I overheard their weird conversation.

Noticing my unease, Carter says, "It's okay. You shouldn't cancel your plans because of us. We'll see it some other time". Though he's not specifically saying this to me, it sure feels like it. I shrug my shoulder in response and suddenly Jace comes in, saving me from a very awkward moment.

"I need your help" he says, motioning towards our room. I nod and excuse myself, following Jace outside.

"What should I wear?" he asks once I shut the door behind me.

"Seriously?!" I laugh. When he gives me I-am-serious look, I sober up and ask "Where are you taking her?" 

"We're going for a movie and then I've booked reservations in a Italian restaurant. It's not very fancy, but it has dancing stage, bar and all" he says, as he opens the cupboard and examines his outfit. 

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