Chapter 16

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For once when I wake up, I find Jace sound asleep beside me. He looks peaceful and somehow, content. His date must have gone well. I contemplate waking him up, but decide against it. God knows how late he came back yesterday. I quickly change into some comfortable cloths and decide to go for a jog. Putting my headphones on and sliding my phone in my pocket, I take off on the almost empty streets.

The people of Paris must be lazy as I barely see anyone outside. And it is seven thirty. Or they might just be too drowsy to mess up their weekend slumber. I don't know how, but my mind kept traveling back to that boy I met on the day of the show. I'd be lying if I said that I haven't thought of him. It was kinda disturbing that I told such a big thing about my life to someone and I don't even know him. Even more disturbing was the fact that I didn't seem to be the slightest bit regretful or concerned about our exchange that night. 

Also my memory didn't forget to remind me about Will, the boy everyone was so concerned about. I knew it wasn't any of my business to poke my head into, but I couldn't help but wonder. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I shifted my focus on the neighborhood, trying to procure every tiny detail in my mind. I still couldn't wrap my mind around the thought that I am in Paris, that I visited the Eiffel Tower. It seems like a dream.

I jog for around two hours, till my feet start getting numb and my breath comes in gasps. It is then that I realize that I had to go back as well. Ugh.... I sit on a bench for a minute, trying to catch my breath. As I am about to pull out my phone to call Jace, an all too familiar car stops in front of me and it's window rolls down.

"Need a lift?" Carter asked me

"My hero" I say with a smile as I get into the backseat.

"Good morning" Miles said from behind the driver's seat.

"Good morning. What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"Unlike some people, we like to go for morning drives" Carter said, turning back and giving me  a wink.

"Well, at least it had some benefit" I said sarcastically and they both chuckle

"You want water?" Carter asks me after a minute or so.

"Yes, please. Thanks" I say, grabbing the bottle from his hand. 

The drive home is nice, both of them singing along the songs on the radio. I enjoy it to the most, doubling over with laughter whenever Miles messes the lyrics, which is quite often.

"I know all our songs, seriously" he said sheepishly, but continues his singing nonetheless.

Once back in the hotel, the moment I open my door, I am swept off my feet, literally. Jace swirls me in the air, a huge smile on his face. 

"Guess what happened?" he said in a sing song voice.

"Put me down, you idiot" I said, hitting his arm. Then, just as unexpectedly, I'm thrown on the bed and Jace practically yells "Kelly agreed to be my girlfriend!" 

"Really?! Dude that's amazing" I squeal and hug him, ignoring the fact that he just threw me, hard.

"Yeah" he says, hugging me back


"I took her for a night walk to the ice cream parlor. We were holding hands, and suddenly, without preamble, I blurted out 'I like you'. Even I was surprised for a second, and then she pulled me into a kiss. It was.... WOW. And then I asked her, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' and she pecked me on the lips before whispering a yes in my ears" he says with dreamy eyes

"That is soo romantic. Did you tell Carter?" I ask him

"Nah, didn't get the chance" he says and as if on cue, Carter comes in our room, a smile on his face.

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