Chapter 4

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This part is thru Cason's eyes starting from the Saturday before Melony ran.

I woke up as usual but now my thoughts were consumed by Melony. I had gotten ready for the day before heading downstairs. "I'm going for a drive be back in a bit" I said to Jason after scarfing down some food. I got in my truck and drove into town. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw that the assholes from school were there. I paused before getting out and I jumped out of my truck. I went inside to go buy a beef jerky and some water. As I purchased the items I saw them laughing. I walked outside as I heard them yelling " Hi Cason. Ooh Cason are you listening? I want to have a chat. " I tried my best to ignore them as I went outside. I put my stuff in the front seat before getting in the front seat. I pulled out then drove to the forest. As I locked my car and threw my keys in my pocket, ugh I glanced over. They followed me, I saw them and they saw me. I leaned up against my truck. "What the heck do you want? " I asked as they walked over "Oh you know just to chat with our favorite looser" he said as he threw a punch. I looked up at him as he said "what are you gonna do call your little friend or maybe your pathetic twin? " I was getting mad, they can make fun of me but not my brother and definitely not Melony. I looked up at him as I punch him then kicked him in the gut. "Shit" I thought to myself I was shaking which meant one thing. I was starting to shift. I started throwing punches and before I knew it they punched me in the gut. I looked up at them pissed off just as I was about to throw a punch they yelled "shit. What the fuck are you? Some kind of demon" They backed up and ran to their cars. As they pulled away they yelled "freak" At me. I stood up as I glanced at the mirror my eyes where blood red and my hands where already claws. I ran into the woods as fast as I could. I paused as I started shifting I groaned. I tore off my clothes before shifting. I ran through the woods feeling the wind in my fur. Then I paused, Melony. She's here. I crouched down, she was taking a picture of a stag. I must of scared it because it took off running. She looked right at me then booked it up the boulder. I tried my best to act like a wild wolf so she wouldn't guess. She stood up on the boulder and packed her bag. Well time to act I started scratching on the boulder, I finally gained footing and started to attempt to climb. She reached for a tree branch I watched as she cautiosly grabbed onto a thick branch that was hanging just below the top of the boulder. She climbed onto the tree and sat on the thickest highest branch she could get to. "Is she part monkey? " I thought to myself as I continued to claw on the boulder. I fell, tried once more, and then gave up. I sprinted into the distance, built I paused under a bush. I watched as she finished a snack then climbed down, she thought I was gone. I watched as she left then I made my way back to my truck. I scooped up my shredded clothes as I ran back. As soon as I reached my truck I checked for people then shifted as I got back in my truck before getting dressed. I check the time, I was gonna be late for my job interview. I drove to Melony's house, Kelly gave me the address yesterday. I drove up the dirt road and parked by the barn. Before knocking on the door. No answer great what if I'm late. I paused and waited just then she pulled up.
-Time skip past the interview and runaway because I covered it twice already. ----
She ran away. Melony was obviously mad about what her aunt said, I hated to see her mad. I got in my truck and drove back home. After telling my parents about what happened. I went back to her place. Thankfully Kelly wasn't there. I picked up her scent at the edge of the property and followed it. After tracing it back to the store then to the woods I decided to park near my place and shift. I ran thru the woods tracking her scent, she is my mate I would hate to see her get hurt. Then I saw her on a horse. The horse walked carefully and slowly thru the woods, it paused as it saw me. The horse was off like a bullet in a split second. She appeared to hold on for dear life. I chased them, following them thru the woods. I paused the horse stopped in its tracks as it saw me. It took off again as I chased them. I decided to take a short cut in an attempt to cut them off. I saw them coming near me, when the horse threw her. She landed in front of me. She was still awake but she looked up at me. I looked up at the horse as it took off leaving Melony. I looked down as I saw her looking wide eyed at me. Then it happened, I imprinted with her. I looked into her eyes as I started to shift back as she blacked out I hugged her. As I carried her back to my tribe I whispered in her ear "I will take care of you my little mate. "

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