This Song Is A True Story

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You held me back

I was stripped of all my armor

You hit me where I'm weak

I couldn't believe this was really happening

You spread rumors you didn't know were actually true

I was hurt I was hurt

Always the last pick for everything

Always the one to be picked on

I was a joke i was a joke

Always came in second place

Never praised and always replaced

I was a joke I was a joke to you

You were so cruel

I was a bleeding-heart liberal

You were so cold like ice

While I always tried to be nice

You shot me down

And I couldn't get up

Always the one to be looked down on

Always the one to fail the pass

I was a joke I was a joke

Always came in second place

Never praised and always replaced

I was a joke I was a joke to you

I never had a choice

I never had a voice

I never had anything to live for

I was just a toy

For you to play

And then throw away

I was a joke I was a joke

Always the one to fail the pass

Always the one to lose the game

Always the one to look back

Always the one to live in fear

Always the one with problems

Always the one to leave behind

Always the one to let you down

Always the one to fall first on the ground

I was a joke I was a joke to you

I was a joke I was a joke to you

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