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My heart wants to write

But my mind can't find the words

And my body doesn't wish to move

Even now I have to force my hand

To move along this paper or press these keys

My heart aches and I want to cry

The funny thing is I don't even know why

I feel so exhausted, I just want to sleep forever

I'm so tired, so I sleep my life away

But I'm still tired when I wake up

I don't want to get up

I have no energy for anything

I don't want to do anything

But even doing nothing bothers me so much

Because doing nothing is not enough

So I try to sleep because at least then

I'll get some peace

But sleep is temporary

And I have a life I'm supposed to live (for others)

So the thought of my escape, my death

Comes creeping into mind

But I try to shove it away

Just ignore it, just forget it

But everything hurts so much

And my brain won't stop for even a moment

I just


It All To


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