The Zoo

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Boy I don't know why

But there are these times

When I look into your eyes

I get this feeling inside

Please tell me why

Please tell me why

You said girl

I know what you mean

I get that feeling too

But only with you

Just to tell you the truth

That feeling inside 

I think it's butterflies

I think it's butterflies

When I'm with you

I feel the whole zoo

It's not just butterflies

It's not just butterflies

Boy I feel better

Now that you know

The truth is out

You said girl

I know what you mean

I feel kind of lighter

Like a feather

You know I really like you

And I hope you like me too

Maybe we can get to know each other better

When I'm with you

I feel the whole zoo

It's not just butterflies

It's not just butterflies

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