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Seokjin POV

Namjoon is good in this way. Coz Jin already knew he would make him stay for tonight. And that's his que.

Jin didn't shut the door of the guest room coz he didn't want to make noise while he's in work.

It's time.

Y/N's room is just infront of his. She must be asleep now. Jin opened the door of her room carefully. And he could see an angel peacefully sleeping on her bed, smiling.

'What are you dreaming of?'

Jin didn't want to wake her up so he just sat there on an armchair and looked at the marvelous sight.

A small girl whom he can carry in his arms like a baby.

He smiles with amusement.

Her fluffy lips are parted. As if she is talking with someone in her dream. She looked relieved. But her chest is rising up and down in a certain way which indicates she is having trouble with her breathing.

Jin got tensed.

'NO! She shouldn't see those nightmares'

Suddenly Jin rose up from the chair. He was about to leave the room. But then he got a message:

The sight of sleeping Y/N was so mesmerizing that he almost forgot about the thing he had to do

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The sight of sleeping Y/N was so mesmerizing that he almost forgot about the thing he had to do.

Jin went for the bedside drawers 1st, but no success.
He searched every single corner of the room but couldn't find what he was searching for.
He left the room. Came to the guest room but couldn't sleep.
This is one of the times he feels so helpless.
That's it. He has no reason to stay here right now. And the sun is almost gonna rise up. He needs to leave.



I slept for so long that I couldn't even remember what day it is. Yeah, I woke up and then my cell said today is Saturday and I don't have college today. Hurray! I'm gonna spend my whole day with oppa.
Oh, then I remembered, Jin was here yesterday. I got outta my bed and hurried to the living room where I could see Namjoon oppa having his coffee.

Y/N: Morning oppa.

Namjoon: Good morning. You seemed to sleep well.

Y/N: Yep. Oppa, where's your friend?

Namjoon: Oh, Seokjin. He left early. I didn't see him leaving. He just left a note. Something urgent came up. Why? Did you have something to say to him?

Y/N: Aniyo. I'm just asking. What would I have to say to him?!

What can be so urgent that he left like this??!!

Namjoon: Are you saying that to me or yourself?

Y/N: Oppa, what are you saying?!

Does he know?! What's that suppose to mean?

He smirked with that dimple.

Namjoon: What's your plan for today?

Plan!! Huh..I haven't thought about it.

Y/N: No plan. Wae?

Namjoon: Let's go to meet Hyun-Jae ajumma. I haven't seen her for a while.

The moment I heard the name, I could feel the minute tension in me.

Y/N: Oppa, I...I forgot to visit her last 2 weeks. She definitely gonna scold me.

Oppa started laughing.

Namjoon: Oh. Then I'm gonna enjoy the scene. (Wink)

When I started writing this fanfic, I didn't have any plot. I just wrote. And now I'm kinda thinking of a plot. Let's see where I end up.

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