1: Miles

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{Gerard's POV}

"Morning, munchkins," I announced to my kindergarten class, most of which weren't paying attention at all. "Are you all in your seats? I'm gonna do roll."

A few last kids scrambled from their cubbies to their places on the mat as I started roll call. 

"Wesley?" I called and Wes raised his hand. 

"Maddie?" She raised her hand as well.

As I was about to call the next name, my door opened and an out-of-breath Miles Iero stumbled into the room, babbling, "Sorry, Mr. Way! My daddy left and h-he took the car so m-my dad had to call someone t-to bring me and- and-"

"It's alright, Miles," I smiled warmly. "Put your stuff in your cubby and come join us on the mat."

He quietly did as told, sitting down right next to Bandit as always. Miles and Bandit were best friends, even like brother and sister as the other kids would say. They fought like siblings, but in the end, they would always make up their differences and go back to playing.

I started from Maddie's name, calling the rest of the roll before writing something on the board. 


"Let's start with our warmups today," I pointed to the word. "Can anybody tell me what this says?"

A few kids raised their hands, Miles being the first one I saw. He was always too smart for his own good. I thought he should be in a first-grade class instead of being held down to kindergarten, but when the chance was given to him, he refused. I was Miles' favorite teacher. Plus, he wanted to be in the same class as Bandit.

"Yes, Miles?"

"Cat!" He said enthusiastically. He loved spelling. It was his favorite subject. His least favorite was math.

"Good job!" I smiled and put a sticker under his name on the board.

Next, I wrote, "4 + 4"

Only two kids raised their hands and I called on Deedee. 

"Ummm," She counted on her fingers. "8?"

I smiled, "Good job, Deedee!" And put a sticker under her name.


"Time for lunch," I announced, marking halfway through the day already. I was relieved. I did have a really good class compared to the others, but everyone needs a break now and again. "Get your lunches from your cubbies and Ms. Nelson will lead you to the cafeteria."

The kids beamed and started running around for their things, most not bothering to pick up after their craft time. I would do that after Ms. Nelson and the kids went for lunch. Once most of the kids were lined up, Miles approached my desk.

"M-Mr. Way?" He sniffled. "C-can I maybe e-eat lunch in here?"

"Don't you want to sit with Bandit and your friends?" I asked sympathetically. He was probably tired. 

He shook his head.

The other kids left the room behind Ms. Nelson.

"Alright, you can for today," I smiled, patting his shoulder. "Are you having problems with other kids?"

Miles shook his head again.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He hesitated before slowly nodding his head, "M-my dads breaked u-up..."

"Your dads?" I asked softly. "Did they get a divorce?"

Miles nodded, "M-my daddy left and my dad is t-taking care-" He stopped in the middle of his sentence as as sob broke his words.

"Oh, Miles," I patted his back softly. "I'm sorry about your dads. You know it's not your fault, right? No matter what you think, it's not."

Miles just stayed quiet and shrugged, looking down at his shoes. He didn't seem convinced. Finally, he spoke up, "I think it's 'cause my g-gramma. She don't like that my dad m-married a boy... she thinks it's yucky..."

"It's not yucky, Miles," I smiled reassuringly. "If a boy loves a boy then it's still love. The same if a girl loves a girl. Some people think that's wrong because of their beliefs. But, love is love no matter what kind."

Miles smiled brightly and wiped his face, "Thanks, Mr. Way."

"Go get your lunch, kiddo," I motioned him over to his cubby. "Make sure you eat so you can get big and strong like me."

He giggled and ran to his cubby, grabbing his lunch and sitting down.

"So, tell me more about your life at home," I smiled.


im uwuing so hard

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