3: Conferences

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(This one's rather long, but I love it and it's my baby. This is the most wholesome book I've ever made and I'm only 3 chappies in: ''')

{Gerard's POV}

"Remember, kiddos," I yelled over the sound of everyone putting their things in their backpacks. "Tonight is parent-teacher conferences and I wanna meet your parents."

Students lined up at the door, some looking up at the clock in anticipation. There were only two kids left in their seats, the same as always.

Miles and Bandit.

Suddenly, the bell rang out through the school and all of the kids in the classroom- except for Miles and Bandit- rushed through the door and into the hallway.

"You have to come over someday!" Miles giggled as Bandit made a funny face at him. I smiled at the odd pair and watched as Bandit looked over at me pleadingly.

"Daddy?" Oh no, here it comes. "Can I go to Miles' house or can Miles come to ours?"

Miles looked up at me expectantly.

"I don't know about that," I shrugged. "You'd have to ask Miles' dad."

"He'll be okay with it!" Miles exclaimed, picking up his toys from the floor.

"I don't know about tonight, bud," I smiled at the boy- the one boy who bothered to pick his toys up. "It's parent-teacher conferences."

"Oh," Miles looked confused, but his face brightened again. "Then you get to meet my dad!"

I nodded and smiled down. Bandit clapped her hands in excitement, "Miles, can I meet your dad?"

Miles nodded and there was a knock on the door- well, rather the door frame.

There stood a shorter man, his raven hair swept over one eye, the other side shaved. His arms were adorned thoroughly with tattoos that stretched even up to his neck.

Oh my god.

"Hey, kiddo," The man dragged a hand through his tousled hair, giving a lopsided smile.

"Dad!" Miles hopped up from his chair, almost tripping on Bandit's backpack.

They hugged for a while before the man put his son down on the ground, turning toward me and sticking his hand out.

"Frank Iero," He said simply with a lopsided smile. "Sorry, I'm late. I hope this munchkin wasn't too much of a bother."

I shook his hand as he looked down at Miles, who just blushed and looked down at his feet.

"Gerard Way," I chuckled, stealing a glance down at Miles as well. "The best teacher ever, right, Miles?"

"Your name is Gerard?" Miles scrunched up his nose, to which Bandit turned around and looked at me as well.

"Your name is Gerard?" She repeated, looking bewildered, as if it never occurred to her that I had a first name at all.

Frank chuckled slightly and scratched the back of his neck, letting go of my hand.

"Come on, bud," He gestured to Miles, who picked up his backpack and hugged Bandit. "Let's go wait in the car."

I raised an eyebrow as I heard Miles sigh.

"It's 2 hours until the conferences start, aren't you better off going home?"

Frank shrugged, "We don't have too much money, it'd be better not to waste it on gas."

I stood there for a second, watching as Frank's gaze met the floor, almost as if he was ashamed about having little money.

I had been there, I understood. Also, from what Miles told me, Frank had just gotten out of a marriage, which was probably taking a toll on more than just his income.

"You could chill in here with me and Bandit," I explained. "It's kinda cold out there to be sitting in the car."

Frank looked like he was about to object until Miles tugged on his arm, "I can play Barbies with Bandit!"

Frank smiled down at the little one, "As long as you promise not to make trouble for Mr. Way."

I grinned as Bandit smiled brightly, pulling her dolls out of her cubby. Miles let go of Frank's hand and ran over toward the girl.

{3rd POV}

As soon as the dolls were out, Miles and Bandit were lost in their little world. Barbie was played by Bandit (to which Miles protested at first, but then decided it made no difference) and Ken was played by Miles.

"I'm not gonna lie," Gerard struck up a conversation, causing Frank to turn his head. "I'm really glad to see a father letting his son play with traditionally feminine toys."

Frank could tell Gerard was trying to use softer terms, rather than saying "girl toys." Probably in case, he would have struck a nerve otherwise.

Frank shrugged casually, "As a child, I was taught to repress that sort of behavior. Classic case of the sheltered, confused, catholic boy. I don't think it's fair to take away a child's form of expression- male, female, or others- because of your own fragile masculinity."

Gerard seemed stunned and in his own mind, though he didn't recognize he was thinking it at the moment, Frank was really attractive. 

Wait, no. Stop that.

"I love you, Ken," Bandit said, rather passionately, waving her doll about. 

"Oh, Barbie," Miles sighed in the deepest voice he could muster. "I'm so sorry, but I love... uh... what did you name him?" Miles pointed to a luscious-haired (shirtless, for some reason) male doll.

Gerard laughed and Frank's face went beet red.

"Oh, god," He mumbled under his breath, chuckling softly.

"Wait, but- but-" Bandit started to argue confusedly. "Um... it's Brandon..."

"I love Brandon," Miles said without hesitation. "Sorry, Barbie."

"You love him and you didn't know his name?" Frank smiled at Miles, who just blushed in return.

"It do be like that," Gerard mumbled teasingly. 

Frank was so caught off guard that his eruption of laughter nearly startled him.

"Wow, buddy, you okay there?" Gerard smiled at Frank through his laughter as well.

Frank caught his breath and smiled widely up at Gerard, who was smirking, and for some strange reason, it made him weak in the knees. Perhaps that was just the laughter adrenaline. It was only because he had laughed so hard.

After the room calmed down, there was a comfortable quiet. As Bandit had switched dolls and was now having a gay wedding with Ken and Brandon, Gerard watched on proudly. Frank found his mind drifting to his next paycheck- or rather, lack of. 

Where would he find the money to feed Miles, put clothes on his back, and still be able to pay his rent?

Could he sell his car and bike to wherever he needed to? Perhaps he could find a job close to home, so it wouldn't be too much of a bother to-

"So, Mr. Ier- excuse me- Frank," Gerard tore the shorter man from his thoughts. "Real talk." He spoke quietly. "I know we just met and all, but Miles is one of my top students- and if I may say so- probably a favorite as well."

Frank smiled at that. Damn right, his kid was awesome.

"And, so it concerns me," Gerard sighed. "And you don't have to say anything if this is an uncomfortable question... what happened with your financial situation?"

Frank visibly tensed up, but said lowly, "I just recently split up with my husband... and I'm trying to find a job."

He was vague and Gerard understood why. Even today, telling just anyone about your sexual orientation was risky. Plus, it was hard for people to talk about their financial situations, especially with people they just met. Gerard was surprised he got an answer at all.

"You know what?" Gerard gasped as he realized something. "As luck would have it, the school board looking for a co-teacher to work with me. Are you qualified?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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