Steward or stewart

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What does he still want from me, I'm kind of annoyed by him already. He goes through his pockets, takes out some money and gives it to me. Mmm. interesting... for what? a questionable expression shows on my face. I wasn't saying a single word but he knew I was asking myself a lot of questions.

"some cash for a cab" .he said.

" Do I look pitiful to you ?"

"No, you look lonely". he replied. I'm ashamed of myself, how can I look at the world with this kind of person. who always think they know who you are and how you feel . "shut the nonsense dude " . of course I couldn't even say such words cause he is a cop.

"Thank you"

what a strange system. the world is rotating in a different direction. how can he give money to someone he doesn't know. His money was not used to take a taxi... I kept it in my pocket. I saw Manu waiting for me outside. I thought she will be taking a nap or relaxing somewhere cause she was really tired yesterday.

"so what did he say? the cops? "

"nothing, he gave me the money". I said.

"FOR WHAT ? " she was really surprised just like me, I couldn't believe my own words.

"cab". three letters were enough for her to understand what was going on.

"I want to use that money to change my hair color ". I added

"Okay". she just said "okay" but I'm not fine with that word... I'm annoyed by it cause she said it. Is it because I wanted her to argue with me? I don't know.

I changed the color of my hair. I had enough of black, so I took white, this color represents who I am. I wouldn't know how to explain what I feel right now about this color, it represents my "FAKE MOOD".

"it is not just a hair color, it's a state of mind."

"Wow! ky you're beautiful." it was obvious that she doesn't like it. her smile was fake, her words were fake and even her expression. why is she like that, she changed in one day . is it possible to do that ?.

"Thank you but don't make it too obvious ". I said

"So...... And money? was the game successful ?" I asked
"Safe and successful". she replied happily with a big smile. I wish she could be honest with me more often.
"What are we gon' do now "

"We need a cellphone, clothes and a house ." I knew everything was already planned by her ... I just wanted to make sure.

We went through all the shops in the city to finds clothes that fit and match us, she was selecting literally all type of dress, shoes, tee shirts. etc cause we got a lot, she selected the bright and shiny colors while I choose mostly Black, White and red.

We were in the middle of a meal, in a restaurant when a band of boys dressed in black with hats hiding their faces came in. They headed towards the cash registry, I followed them...

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" .Asked me one of the guys
"I work here. Do you speak Chinese? Korean? Japanese?" I asked him back, he was lost, he smirks and looked at me.

"Are you crazy ?". another one asked.

"I don't understand English can you please say it in Japanese". I said. let me analyze the situation; four guys wearing black exactly having kind of the same anatomy and dressed similarly that you can even think they are brothers armed with a weapon trying to steal from a restaurant.

"GET LOST". he shouted 

I walk around the counter and take out my new weapon, the brand is pretty well known: magnum360. A bullet of that gun in your head and you forget that you have existed. I feel safe walking around with this, as I use it too back then. I Pointed my gun toward one guy's head and said;

"since I told you I work here. what do you want?" I said

I saw another one who wanted to take out his weapons, I shot directly at his hand.

"Get out of here before I put a bullet in your head. " I added

They left without turning back. Some customers went out after the shooting. others stayed but they were terrified. We went out without paying, the owner of the restaurant was so thankful to us.

"Manu,  I need some sleep. " I said

"I've decided to enlarge the house."

"that is to say ?" . she said before that we are going to buy a new house and now she still want to live in that "good for trash house"

 "that in a month and a half, our little house will be a luxury one. we just have to rent an apartment." why is she holding on to that house, she can just buy another one.

"old things are better than new things because they've got a story in them"

"And where is that apartment?". I added.

After a few minutes of walking, we stop near a hotel, I have never seen something so beautiful compared to the orphanage, this building is worth it, the tiles are beautiful, white, black as I like. We went to the reception, the interior had nothing to do with the outside. this building is FAKE. That annoys me!

"Hello ladies, what can I do for you?". ask the receptionist .she was a young lady wearing a black and white uniform just like a maid.

"We want an apartment with two bedrooms if possible". I said.

"yes in the name of ? " she asked again. Manu and I exchanged glances and she ended up winning. why does she want me to put my name?

"Miss Stewart". I said


"Yes, Stewart".

"Stewart or steward." she was making sure the two words don't sound the same. A young lady like you can already be a dummy. Wow!


"Are you sure ?". she added. she was born to do that? asking people if they are sure about their name ..tss

"Why ?" Manu asked, for sure she was also annoyed.

"Currently there is a customer who is also called Stewart, I thought you were -----."

"But damn, is it my fault if there are plenty of people with this name?"  I interrupted her.

"excuse me, your room is number 101". She apologized and gave us the key

"Thank you, talk to you later. " Manu said.she's faking everything again, the smile and all those stuff. don't tell me she's is gay? oh my Gawd what am I thinking? seriously!

we decide to take the stairs, to chat privately cause in the elevator, you never know who will enter.i've never seen an elevator ever since I was thirteen. I was kind of afraid too. I don't even know how it works again.

In the hallway, I was bumped by a jerk. He was wearing black just like the other guy at the restaurant. did he follow me here? a stalker? I took out my weapon and Manu stopped me.

 "Are you a stalker? who send you". I said.

"no". he replied.

"calmos, it's a normal phenomenon". she said. "it's not because they are dress similarly that means they're the same person ".

"Since I tell you he was sent by someone". I said." how can he bumped me in this large opened areas...tss"

"Now you're acting smart." she said ."looks this guy with that perverse head he would not even hurt a fly."

The guy is running away from us. was he afraid just now ? or he's planning something?

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